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Thor runs through the junkyard and finds the Quinjet, he gets inside and powers on the control panel

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Thor runs through the junkyard and finds the Quinjet, he gets inside and powers on the control panel. He scans his fingerprint, the computer requires voice activation.

Thor says his name, the computer denies access.

"Why didn't work?" Thor asked, confused.

Thor tries various other names including: Thor Son of Odin, God of Thunder and Strongest Avenger before saying 'Damn you Stark.'

"What did I do?" Tony asked.

Thor tries the name 'Point Break' and the computer grants him access.

"Oh, that's what I did." Tony said, giggling.

Thor just sighed.Hulk bursts into the quinjet and tells Thor to stay. Thor tells Hulk to stop breaking everything and plays the message Natasha left him after they fought Ultron.

Hulk pauses then turns back into Bruce but fights it the whole time.

"Oh, I'm back." Bruce said, a little relieved.

"Welcome back, Dr. Banner." Hope said.

Thor walks up to him and asks if he's okay. Bruce startles, Thor tries to calm by saying the sun's going down, tells him to breathe and says he won't hurt him.

Bruce asks Thor what happened to his hair.Thor says a creepy old man cut it off.

"Your first time seeing him in like... 2 years and your first question is 'what happened to your hair?'" Clint asked.

Bruce says it looks good. Thor thanks him.

"You know what? It does look good." Maria said.

Bruce asks where they are and how Natasha is.

"You're on an alien planet." Drax said.

Thor says he's sure she's good. Bruce asks about Sokovia. Thor is confused. Bruce asks if they saved Sokovia.

Thor tells him that Sokovia and Ultron was 2 years ago. Bruce asks if he's been Hulk for 2 years.

"What?" Bruce asked, panicked. "How could that have happened?"

Bruce takes his necklace and asks what the hell happened and walks to the control panel. Thor says there's something Bruce should know.

Bruce scans his palm, and tells the computer his name. The computer grants him access and calls him 'Strongest Avenger.'

"What?" Thor asked.

"Ha ha." Bruce mocked, playfully.

Bruce asks for the ships log.

A screen with footage of Hulk in the quinjet is shown. An alarm sounds. Bruce asks Thor where they are.

"About that..." Quill said slowly.

Over a speaker, Grandmaster says he has bad news and says his champion has turned up missing. He tells the citizens to take to the streets and celebrate the champion. Bruce asks who Grandmaster is.

"Tyrannical maniac, I feel best describes him." Valkyrie said.

Thor says he runs the place and Bruce lived in his house for a while and says a lot has happened and tells Bruce that they had a fight recently.

Bruce asks if he won. Thor says no, he won easily. Bruce says that doesn't sound right. Thor says it's true.

"Well, it's not technically true." Gamora said.

"Only because the Grandmaster cheated." Sam said.

"We should have a rematch." Thor told Bruce. "No obedience disks involved."


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