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Grandmaster moves away and says he's stepping in it

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Grandmaster moves away and says he's stepping in it. Thor cringes at the smell. Grandmaster asks Topaz what it smells like. Topaz says it smells like burnt toast.

"Disgusting." Rhodey said.

"This man has issues." Bucky said.

Grandmaster saidwhat happened to his manners and says he never introduced himself.

They go to a different room. Grandmaster introduces himself and says he presides over a little harlequinade called the Contest of Champions and people come from far and wide to unwillingly participate in it.

"You mean... you hire people to kidnap other people to unwillingly participate in this Contest of Champions." Steve said.

Grandmaster says Thor might be part of the new cast. Thor says they're not friends and he doesn't give a shit about Grandmaster's games and says he's going back to Asgard.

Grandmaster calls it Ass-gard.

Thor notices Loki drinking and telling a group of people about his fall from the Bifrost.

"You're there!?" Everyone asked, shocked.

"Of course I am." Loki said. "I'm everywhere." To prove his point, he sent 3 illusions of himself to the other corners of the room, after a moment he let them fade.

"Why aren't you in a chair?" Thor asked.

"I'm too clever for a chair." Loki said.

Thor calls Loki over. Loki walks over to him while shushing him and asks what he's doing there. Thor says he's stuck in a stupid chair and asks where Loki's chair is. Loki says he didn't get one. Thor asks Loki to get him out of his. Loki says he can't.

"Why not?" Steve asked, not accusing just genuinely curious.

Loki says he made friends with the Grandmaster and gained his favor and says the Bifrost bought him there weeks ago. Thor is confused and says he just got there.

"How does that work?" Tony asked.

"Time on Sakaar, works differently than you're used to." Valkyrie said.

Grandmaster asks what they're whispering about, startling them.

"Creep." MJ said.

Grandmaster says time works differently around these parts and on any other world he'd be millions of years old but on Sakkar- he finishes his sentence with a suggestive look. Loki glances at him.

Thor shifts his gaze between them.

"Why do I feel like there's some underlying... thing between you and the Grandmaster?" Sam asked Loki.

Grandmaster asks Loki if he knows Thor and calls him Lord of Thunder. Thor corrects him and says it's God of Thunder. Loki says he's never met Thor in his life.Thor says Loki's his brother. Loki says he's adopted.

"Really?" Thor asked, unamused.

Loki only shrugged in response.

Grandmaster asks Loki if Thor's a fighter.

Thor says if he takes the disk out of his neck he'll show him. Grandmaster says if he wants to get back to Asgard, he can defeat his champion and win his freedom.

Thor says to point him in the direction of whoever's ass he needs to kick.

"You'll be pleasantly surprised to find out who's ass that is." Valkyrie said.

Thor gets thrown into a cell, he stands up and punches the door. Korg tells him to take it easy. Thor turns to look at him.

Korg says he's the pile of rocks waving at him and says he's an actual being, introduces himself and says he's the leader in there.

"A kronan." Thor recognized.

Korg says he's made of rocks and tells Thor not to let that intimidate him and says he doesn't need to be afraid unless he's made of scissors.

Meik forms scissors with his hands. Korg says that was a little rock paper scissor joke for him.

"Ha ha, rock man's got puns." Rhodey said.

Korg introduces his friend Meik and says he's an insect with knives for hands.

"Nice." Peter said.

Thor recognizes Korg as a kronan and asks how he got there. They start walking. Korg says he tried to start a revolution but didn't print enough pamphlets so no one turned up except his mom and her boyfriend that he hates.

"Oh, poor Korg." Ned said.

Korg says he was forced to fight as a gladiator as punishment and says that he is planning another revolution and says he doesn't know if Thor would be interested in that. Thor runs ahead and appears back behind Korg seconds later.

"What?" steve says confused.

Thor is confused about the cell. Korg says the whole thing is a circle but not a real circle, more of a freaky circle. Thor says that doesn't make sense.

Korg says nothing makes sense there and the only thing that does make sense is that nothing makes sense.

"That makes sense." Bucky said.

Thor asks if anyone's fought the Grandmaster's champion. Korg says Doug has and calls out to Doug before saying that Doug is dead and says that anyone who fights the Grandmaster's champion perishes.

"That's... horrible." Mantis said.


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