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Thor gets inside of the Commodore and says he can figure it out and says it's just another spaceship

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Thor gets inside of the Commodore and says he can figure it out and says it's just another spaceship.

"Please don't let this be another 'fly into the city and smash through everything in sight' incident." Natasha said.

Thor powers the ship on and flies into the city. Over a speaker, Grandmaster says Thor has stolen one of his ships and his favorite champion and tells the Sakaarans to take to the skies and bring Thor down and not let him leave the planet.

"And... things just got complicated." Rhodey said.

Thor flies through the city, other ships start shooting at him. Valkyrie follows him and shoots the other ship.

"Good shot." Clint said.

Valkyrie, over a radio, tells Thor to open the doors. Thor complies. Valkyrie gets under the commodore and says she hopes Bruce is tougher than he looks then ejects him into the Commodore.

Thor laughs.

"That's funny to you?" Bruce asked.

Topaz starts shooting at them. Bruce asks Thor if they should be shooting back. Thor says they should and asks Valkyrie where the guns on the ship are.

Valkyrie says there aren't any because it's a leisure vessel that Grandmaster uses for his orgies.

"An orgie ship?" Thor asked. "Disgusting."

Bruce asks Thor if Valkyrie just said Grandmaster uses the ship for orgies. Thor confirms and tells him not to touch anything.

"A little late for that warning." Peter said.

Topaz blows an engine of Valkyrie's ship. Valkyrie grabs her sword and gets out of the ship as it blows up. Topaz laughs.

"She's enjoying this way too much." Maria said.

Valkyrie lands on the commodores window, Thor tells her to get inside. Valkyrie says she will in a minute then jumps onto another ship and crashes it.

Thor says he should go help her and tells Bruce to take the wheel. Bruce says he doesn't know how to fly it. Thor tells him to use one of his PhDs.

"That's not how PhDs work." Bruce said.

Bruce says none of them are for flying alien spaceships.

"You're smart, I trust you can figure it out." Thor said.

Thor jumps onto another ship, and rips out it's engine. Valkyrie aims a ships gun at a different ship, Thor takes out another engine. Bruce tries to avoid Topaz's ship and tries to find something that could be a gun.

"There aren't guns on the ship." Valkyrie said.

Bruce presses a button and the commodores lights come on and the Grandmasters voice says it's his birthday, the fireworks obstruct Topaz's ship and she crashes.

"Hmm, nice." Fury said.

"I guess that button had more than one use." Valkyrie said.

Thor pulls out another ships pilot, Valkyrie steers the ship under the commodore and they jump inside. Bruce says they're coming up on the devil's anus.

"I want to say I wish it had a better name, but... I kinda don't." Clint said.

"You're so immature." Natasha said.

Korg and the prisoners walk into the garage and find the statesman. Korg says it's their ticket out of there. He picks up the remote and disarms the obedience disk.

Loki thanks him. Korg says they're about to get on that spaceship and asks if Loki wants to come.

"Oh, how nice of him." May said.

Loki says it looks like they're in desperate need of leadership. Korg thanks him.

"He's so positive, I love him." Scott said.

Valkyrie, now piloting the Commodore, dodges debris as they go through the Devil's Anus.


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