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A large beat growls at Bruce, Thor steps in front of him

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A large beat growls at Bruce, Thor steps in front of him. The beasts Obedience disk goes off and Valkyrie is revealed to be standing behind it.

"Oh, you found him." Maria said.

They greet each other and Thor says he was going to do that. Valkyrie says she did it first. Thor asks what she's doing there.

Valkyrie asks what he's doing there and says she thought he was leaving. Thor says he got sidetracked.

"One word for it." Tony said.

Valkyrie asks about his cloth. Thor says it's his disguise.

"Not a very good one." Loki said.

"Nope." Natasha agreed.

Valkyrie says she can see his face. Thor uses the cloth to cover his face and says she can't see it when he does that.

"Well, now it just looks suspicious." Wanda said.

Thor says her hair looks nice and he like what she did with it then asks if she washed it. Valkyrie walks away and signals for them to follow.

Bruce asks Thor about the marks over Valkyrie's eyes and asks if they're the people she's killed.

"No... that's not what they mean." Valkyrie answered.

Bruce says Valkyrie is beautiful, strong and courageous.

"Thank you, Bruce." Valkyrie said.

Valkyrie asks Thor who Bruce is. Thor says he's a friend. Bruce introduces himself. Valkyrie says she feels like she knows him. Bruce says he feels like he knows her too.

"Because technically you do know each other." Pepper said.

They stop at the end of a hallway. Valkyrie says she spent years in a haze trying to forget her past and Sakaar seemed like the best place to drink, forget and die one day.

"Sounds kind of depressing." May said.

Thor says he was thinking that she drank too much and it would probably kill her.

"Yeah, well. What can you do?" Valkyrie asked.

Valkyrie says she isn't going to stop drinking but she doesn't want to forget and can't turn away anymore so if she's going to die it might as well be by driving her sword into Hela's heart.

"That wouldn't be a bad way to go." Natasha said.

Valkyrie says she wants to be on the team and asks if it has a name. Thor says it's called the Revengers.

"The Revengers?" Fury asked.

"Very creative." Clint joked.

"Original too." Natasha added.

Thor says it's because he's getting revenge and she's getting revenge and asks Bruce if he wants revenge. Bruce says he's undecided. Valkyrie says she has a peace offering.

"I wonder what that might be." Tony said.

Valkyrie opens the door to her apartment, revealing Loki strapped to a chair. 'surprise.' He greets. Thor cautiously throws something at Loki's head and says he had to be sure.

"You're learning." Loki said.

"It only took you about 800 years not to fall for that trick."Bruce adjusts his pants.

Loki greets him. Bruce says the last time he saw Loki he was trying to kill everyone and asks where he's at these days. Loki says it varies from moment to moment.

"I can understand that." Nebula said.

Thor sees Valkyries sword and asks if it's a Dragonfang. Valkyrie confirms. Thor takes it out and says it's the famed sword of the Valkyrie.

"You're such a fanboy." Natasha said.

Valkyrie says Sakaar and Asgard are as far apart as any 2 known systems and their best bet is to go through the wormhole outside the city, refuel on Xandar and they can be in Asgard in 18 months.

"We don't have that much time." Thor said.


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