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The Valkyrie ride on Peaguasi to fight Hela who kills them with her magical blades

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The Valkyrie ride on Peaguasi to fight Hela who kills them with her magical blades. One of them protects Valkyrie from getting killed and dies in the process.

Valkyrie looked away, tears in her eyes, though she was determined not to let anyone see them.

"That woman... she was important to you?" Carol asked.

"She was my lover." Valkyrie said lightly.

Valkyrie snaps out of it then kicks Loki to the ground and knocks him out.

"Yeah, I deserved that." Loki said.

Thor and Bruce wander the streets, before sitting down. Thor keeps repeating the words 'the sun is going down.' Bruce asks him to stop saying that.

"Please do." Clint agreed.

Thor says he needs Bruce to stay calm. Bruce says he's on an alien planet. Thor says it's just a planet and says he's been on a planet before.

"You're missing the point." Hank said.

Bruce says he's been on one. Thor says he's now been on 2 and that's a good thing and a new experience.

"I get that you're trying to help, but I don't think it's working." Brue said. "No offence."

Bruce says his neurons are firing faster than his brain can handle the information and says it's totally different this time.

He says in the past he always felt that he and Hulk each had a hand on the wheel but this time it was like Hulk had the keys and locked him in the trunk.

"That doesn't sound good." Coulson said.

Thor says all that matters is Bruce is back now. Bruce says that's not what matters and says he's trying to tell Thor that if he turns into Hulk again he might not come back.

"Oh no." Bruce said.

Bruce says they're on a planet that is designed to stress him out.

Thor says they're not stranded and he'll find them a way home but not Bruce's home, Asgard.

"Dude."Bruce is confused.

Thor says his people are in great danger and they need to fight a powerful being who happens to be his sister.

Bruce says that is so wrong is so many ways and says he doesn't want to fight Thor's sister because that sounds like a family thing.

"I think it became more than a family thing when she started trying to kill the citizens." Gamora said.


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