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Thor arrives at the Sanctum

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Thor arrives at the Sanctum. He knocks on the door twice and on the third knock he finds himself inside.

Strange is in the window, he greets Thor, floats over to him and says he can put the umbrella down.

"Why do you even have an umbrella?" Gamora asked.

"It's not an umbrella, It's Mjolnir disguised as an umbrella." Thor answered.

"You can disguise Mjolnir? Cool." Rhodey said.

Thor puts the umbrella down and is transferred to another room. He starts messing with a relic and makes a comment about Earth having wizards now.

"Not a wizard a sorcerer." Strange said.

"Aren't they the same thing?" Sam asked.

Thor puts the piece back and knocks down other pieces in the process. Strange says the preferred term is 'Master of the Mystic Arts' and tells Thor to leave the relic alone.

Thor asks who Strange is and why he should care.

"Would it kill you to be a little polite?" Strange asked with a sigh.

Strange tells Thor his name and says he has some questions for him.

"Want kind of questions?" Thor asked.

Strange tells Thor to take a seat and suddenly they're sat across from one another. Strange asks Thor if he'd like tea. Thor says he doesn't drink tea.

Strange asks what he does drink. Thor says it's not tea. The tea turns into a pint of beer.

"Nice." Tony said.

Strange says he keeps a watchlist of individuals from other realms that may be a threat to Earth and Loki is one of those beings. Thor says he's a worthy inclusion.

"Yeah." Loki had to agree.

Strange asks why he brought Loki there. Thor says they're looking for Odin.

Strange asks if he were to tell Thor where Odin was they'd all return to Asgard.

"You know where Odin is?" Vision asked.

Thor says they would.Strange says he'll help them.

"Great." Thor said.

Thor asks why Strange didn't call him if he knew where Odin was. Strange says Odin was adamant that he not be disturbed and says Odin chose to remain in exile.

"That's suspicious, that's weird." Ned said.

Strange adds that Thor doesn't have a phone. Thor says he doesn't have a phone but Strange could've sent an electronic letter called and E-Mail.

Strange asks Thor if he has a computer. Thor says he doesn't and asks what he'd need it for.

"I- you would need it for- everything you just- Ugh!" Tony said, frustrated.

"You broke Tony." Rhodey said.

"You should really take some time and learn about Earth tech if you're going to be here for extended amounts of time." Bruce told Thor.

Thor says Odin is no longer in exile and asks Strange to tell him where Odin is so he can take him home.

Strange says Odin is in Norway.

"I'm not surprised." Coulson said.

They move to a different room, Thor stumbles. Strange flips through a book and says he's just trying to see if the incantation requires Asgardian modifications.

Strange continues moving them around, Thor keeps stumbling, he sets his mug dow and asks Strange to stop doing that.

"You should've drank the tea." Strange told Thor.

Strange tells Thor that he needs a strand of his hair. Thor says his hair is not to be meddled with.

"Oh. Then you're going to hate what Sakaar has in store for you." Valkyrie said.

Strange takes a strand of Thor's hair and starts doing magic with it. He moves them to the foyer.

Thor falls down the stairs and says they could've walked.

"Where's the fun in that?" Strange asked.

Strange uses the hair to make a portal to Norway and says Odin is waiting and reminds him not to forget his umbrella.

Thor holds his hand out to summon Mjolnir, things throughout the sanctum can be heard breaking. Thor apologizes and the umbrella flies into his hand.Strange sighed.

Thor says he'll need Loki back. Strange opens the other portal and Loki falls through, lands on the ground and says he's been falling for 30 minutes.

Everyone started laughing.

'I'll have my revenge.' Loki thought to himself.

Strange says Thor can handle Loki from there. Thor says he can and thanks Strange for his help. Strange wishes Thor luck.

"You're gonna need it." Strange said.

Loki stands up, draws 2 daggers, asks Strange who he is and if he thinks he's some kind of sorcerer then calls him a second rate.

Loki gets closer to Strange who sends both him and Thor through the portal, Loki falls in the grass.


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