Hard Facts

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Greyson P.O.V.

"Ella, Beta Jace here is my mate; and so are you" I spat out, and oh my moon, the look on her face; the poor girl looked as if she was going into shock. Her lips parted, her brows rose, and her eyes widened; did I come off as too straightforward?

No one said anything for a couple of minutes, letting her process the big news we just revealed to her, she just stared blankly at the ground; why did she never look into our eyes?

I looked at Jace who looked just as stuck as I did, what could we do to make her feel okay? I could hear her heart beating going a million times a minute, goddess what if she doesn't want us?

"Ella, please say something," said Jace, breaking her free of her internal train of thought; she finally looked at us.

"Are you sure?", said Ella in a weak shaky voice which made me want to pull her into my arms and never let go.

"Yes, we are Ella; we're sure you're our mate", I said trying to lower my voice to a comforting tone.

She looked at us with her confused doe eyes and said, "But I'm just an omega, I couldn't be mated with an Alpha AND the Beta"

 "Ella, we're both guys, and there's three of us; none of this should be possible", said Jace; to which I followed "Please try to accept this, we want this to work"

"Okay Alpha, so we're like mates, for sure?" she asked again, probably having a hard time digesting the news we just bombed her with.

"Yes, and you don't have to call us Alpha and Beta, just call us by our names", I said.

"Yes Alpha, I mean... um. Greyson? sorry" she said again looking down, this angered Victor, he wanted mate to be comfortable in front of us.

Hearing her say my name, brought peace to me and earned a smile from Jace as well.

"You can call us Grey and Jace", said Jace further trying to get her to feel comfortable around us, which I appreciated, and tugged at his waist, pulling him even closer to my torso; his smile even widened more and he turned to Ella.

She looked at us, like that and her face reddened, and she looked away, too flustered, she looked cute when she's flustered. 

"Ella, you'll get your wolf next year, and this will all feel a lot more natural" I assured her; and her heartbeat finally came to a normal speed, to which she nodded.

"Okay, maybe we can go on a date tomorrow to get to know us better; is that okay Ella?" I asked looking at her with a friendly expression and she blushed all over again.

"Yes, I'd like that", she said with a slight smile that looked so goddamn angelic.

"What about you shorty?" I asked looking at Jace over his shoulder, both my arms slithering around him. This is the most intimate I had been with him yet, and it made Victor do the samba in my head. I was happy Ella was a part of this moment

"Only if you stop calling me shorty, I'm NOT short, you jerk", said Jace cockily and wearing a smug expression, elbowing my stomach.

"We'll see about that now Jacey, won't we" I purposefully whispered into his ear in a low and sensual voice, getting much closer to him and breathing hot air down his neck. Goddess, I have two very blushy mates, they both looked so cute when they're flustered.

Jace melted in my arm and cleared his throat to cover up his blushing, aww cute. 

"Does 6 tomorrow sound fine, Ella?" said Jace changing the topic quickly.

She just nodded and passed a smile.

"And, Ella we're yet to announce us to the pack officially, so keep this in the wraps for now," I said.

"Yeh, I'll do that," she said, this time not averting her eyes, I'm glad she's getting more comfortable around us now.

Then I heard a knock at my door, I quickly unlatched from Jace and walked up to the door, opening it. It was my Gamma, Aspen and I let him in my office.

"Greyson, Beta Ben has asked for you and Jaceth to meet him in the training ground", he said while looking at me, Jace and Ella. He must've found this arrangement strange, but he was a 'ride or die' kinda guy, so I wasn't too bothered about him spilling.

Aspen was three years older than me and tended to keep his distance, but I could still tell that he was a good guy, and was one of the loyal ones. His family had a history of being kind, and they even took in a rogue she-wolf a few years ago, and Aspen did carry his family's kind spirit forward.

His tight, black curls rested short on his head, and his clothes always complemented his chivalrous self. He even had some visible tattoos along his forearms which looked spectacular on his dark skin. Even I have a tattoo along my back along with other stuff, but his tattoos radiated class.

He then nodded at Jace to acknowledge him and even passed Ella a small smile.

"We'll be there in just a second Aspen", I said and he politely smiled and left the room.

I  turned and said, "So, Ella we'll pick you up tomorrow at six from your place?" She quickly nodded and smiled, beautiful.

"Oh, you really don't have to I'll just-" she said, but was cut of by Jace who said, "Please let us Ella, we want to"

"Okay" she said and we smiled at her.

She took that as her cue to leave and shyly went to the door, seeing her leave made me wanna cling onto her and kiss her goodbye, but I knew it was too early for her, she hadn't gotten her wolf yet so this would feel unnatural.

"Ella- um", said Jace, I knew we didn't want her to leave either, but she need some time to process things.

 She turned back to look at Jace who then said, "nothing, just um. bye"

"Bye, I'll see you tomorrow", she said a quickly left the room.

I heard Jace sigh and he walked up to me, he placed his head on my shoulder and hugged me from behind. "Don't worry Jacey, she'll come around, I'm sure of it", I said and winked at him.

"Let's get to Dad, it's probably about inheriting the roles", said Jace and we walked out together.

Upon reaching the training grounds,  I saw Uncle Ben overseeing training, which is compulsory for all wolves till they're eighteen, then they go into professions of their choice. We walked up to him said hello.

"Greyson, you'll be taking over the Alpha's role completely this week after you announce your mates officially to the pack; and Jaceth you'll be taking over the Beta's role as well after the ceremony", he said. 

"Will you be retiring Dad?", asked Jace.

"Yes I will be, it's been long enough, but don't worry I will be there to assist you into your transition into your roles", replied Uncle Ben, focusing on the training going on, and not on us.

"Okay, I'll see you tonight dad", said Jace and we left.


After I got home that night, the only thoughts going through my head, were those of my mates. 

I can't wait for the date tomorrow, I'd already prepared the location and other stuff for the date. Jace kept asking me about the location but I wouldn't budge, the date is gonna go great. The thought of spending happy time with his mates even made an Alpha melt and feel giddy, Ahh couldn't wait for tomorrow.


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