The Final Author's Note

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hey! turtles so I'd just like to be candid here about how I wrote this book, feel free to skip through if that doesn't interest you.

SO, I was in my final year of highschool when I begun to write this, fucking brilliant timing I know. That was a time of a lot of emotional ups and downs for me, plus the stress of getting into college (Im in the fourth best arts college of my country now, so yes I fucking did it)

You might've noticed very frequent changed in my tones and style of writing, like I now can't stand the way the first chapter of the book is written, it irritates me to no extent. I'd like to believe that my writing has evolved over the chapters, and I'm now a better writer than I used to be before TM4.

I went through a shit load this year, thanks to ones that stuck around.

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