Salty Air

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Camille P.O.V.

After a six-hour flight to the middle of nowhere, we were finally here. Not our destination, but one step closer at least. I'd not been on a flight in a very long time, and neither had Jace so it was quite the experience with the constant loading and unloading, but now here we were, outside the Airport. I took in a deep breath to let in the salty humid air, reminding me of my childhood when I used to spend hours playing next to the sea.

"Did Aspen text you the location of the hotel?", asked Jace sleepily as he eyed the calm traffic of the dawn. 

"Yep, just received it. Let's get a taxi Jace", I said just as a taxi pulled up in front of us with a skidding halt- safe for sure. 

I told the driver about our location, which luckily wasn't that far away from the airport. The driver himself looked like he'd pass out any moment, but I guess that's the best we can get when we travel at the buttcrack of dawn. I loaded our luggage into the trunk of the old yellow junk and ushered a drowsy Jace in the taxi, who just seemed so out of it because of the sleep deprivation, and the driver took off.

After twenty excruciating minutes of forcing myself to stay awake till we reach the hotel; we were finally here. We pulled up in front of a shabby building that'd count more as a motel than a hotel, but I guess a last-minute booking isn't exactly easily available especially here- near the sea during vacations. The paint was peeling from the walls, but at least the rooms seemed spacious and clean from the outside.

We dragged our measly luggage consisting of two whole bags into the motel, we didn't have enough time to pack and will perhaps have to shop for clothes here. I looked around the dimly lit room with dull yellow lights and old red carpets, this place could've been decent decades ago but it'll have to make it.

The reception table was empty so I rang the call bell to get the keys for our room, wanting to get Jace in bed as soon as possible, who looked like he'd fall asleep standing right there. A middle-aged woman walked out of a backroom and greeted us politely. It appeared to be a family business and the woman looked like she was preparing to send her kids off to school. 

"Eh, early travelers?", she asked us in an accent I couldn't recognize, and I put on a fake smile to greet her with the same enthusiasm, and nodded in response, too tired to form actual words.

"Okay, the reservation's under what name?", she asked sweetly as she opened up a register to check it up.

"Greyson, Greyson Black", I replied.

"Okay, give me just a second now", she said as she pulled a pair of glasses from her back pocket and began scouting out his name, "Okay you two, you've got room 23. Straight left from the corridor". She handed us rusty keys and pointed us to our room as I thanked her.

We hurriedly made our way to our room as I used the keys to get in and-
big shocker

Aspen did this on purpose, that cocky bastard did this on purpose. Really with the one-bed thing? when has that EVER worked out for anyone? He makes me want to commit homicide.

Remind me to tell Crystal about the time he fell face-first into animal shit- but oh no he'd never accept it and said it was just mud. WE ALL KNEW WHAT IT WAS.

Jace didn't look bothered the slightest by this, and I swear he even gave a smug smile when he looked at the bed. The bed wasn't small by any means and I felt relieved to find a clean room when I was expecting stained sheets and cobwebs.

"We've gotta change", I said as I placed my bag on the small sofa that sat opposite to the bed and began to pull out some cotton night-wear. 

Jace hummed drowsily and rubbed his eyes before getting his own clothes. He said "You can use the bathroom to change, I'll be done by the time you come out"

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