What If?

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Camille P.O.V. (yay we finally got her)

It was all a daze up to the point I ended up in my cave, one that Aspen had shown me as a kid. I shifted back to human and put on clothes that remained there from years ago, memories flooded in of my time here, good memories. I was panting at what just happened, confused out of my head.

"Aurora?", I called out to her.

"Cami", she said in a low voice, sighing, her tone was monotone yet so full of emotion for me.

"What's going on Aurora? Mates? what is this?" I asked her frantically as I was freaking out over what happened with them.

"I didn't think we'd have mates either", she said solemnly.

"All 3 of them? my mates? how is that even possible", I asked her now sorrowfully but still pressing for answers that I needed so desperately.

"I felt what I felt, and I know you did too", she replied.

 "I don't want this", I said to her. I was perfectly happy with the idea of having no mate, but now I'd have to let in not just one, but three people in the shit story that my life is. The moon goddess sure does have a sick sense of humor, when I'm finally content with the idea of just having Aurora, she throws in these three strangers into my life, and expects me to get chummy with them?

"I know you don't Cami, but I think we need them even if we don't want them", she said consolingly, she's all I've had over the last few years since I left home, so her words did affect me very much and she is a very wise wolf. 

"We can just run away", I suggested as right now anything sounds better than having to deal with this.

"I want them Cami, maybe the goddess finally let something good happen", she said, what does she mean by "she wants them"? We both are enough for each other, I don't need anyone else, neither does she, I think-.  She must be feeling the bond a lot stronger than me, but still, she needs to think rationally.

"What next? Do you want to pray to her? maybe build her a shrine? You and I both know that she can not want anything good for us", I snapped at her, I know bad move but she can't just take the moon goddess' side now.

"Cami, please don't do anything rash, maybe this could be something good", she pleads with me.

"You were right before, this place isn't home, we can just leave", I say, all rationality that remained in me went out the window as the panic set in.

"Cami-", Aurora begins to say when Aspen's scent enters my nose, I expected him to come for me, luckily no one came with him.

Aspen came up to the cave and shifted back at its entrance, I grabbed a shirt and some shorts that he left here years ago, and tossed them outside the cave. He put on those clothes and entered the cave, it felt nice seeing him after all these years, Aspen was the one person in my life that I was grateful for. He was the one who showed me this cave, showed me a better way of life, and truly acted like my brother. 

"Camille?", he entered the cave cautiously.

"Here", I said as I walked up to him, I associated him with good memories so it was always pleasant around him. He quickly pulled me into a tight hug, I was a bit shocked at this since he isn't a big hugger but I didn't mind this either. Maybe it's because I haven't seen him in years, or because of finding his mate, either way, something was different about him, he seemed more affectionate than he used to be.

"Hey", I whispered to him as we pulled back from the hug.

"Hey kid, big day, huh?", he said to me, drawing in a big breath in preparation for what would come.

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