A New High

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Jaceth P.O.V.

"Aw- is my pup worn out already?", Grey teased me and I giggled.

"No?", I half-asked him when he lifted my naked body into his arms, and Cami went over to take care of Ella. I giggled when he began dropping kisses all over my face and said, "Yeh, better not be tired yet pup. I haven't had my fun with you yet."

"Tease.", I declared him to be.

"Yes, I do plan to do that a lot with you now", he said with a wink.

We deeply gazed into each other's eyes, like we were seeing much more than what the surface revealed, it was almost like we saw each other's soul through the windows of the eyes. His dark eyes revealed every little detail of his ardor, his sumptuous lashes protecting his thoughts. If you look closely at him, you'd see the little smile lines he gets whenever he's happy, you'd see marks on his nose from when we tried to pierce his nose at home when we were 15; you'd see a perfect man- my perfect man. 

He brought my lips to his supple ones and we were lost in the zephyr of pleasure that we gave each other. I could pray to the goddess to let this ephemeral moment last forever. Finally parting for air, my gaze trailed down his collarbones, down to his grossly attractive abs, and finally landed on his dick.

My jaw must've dropped because I looked up to see Grey laughing gruffly at my reaction. How is this thing supposed to go in me? as cliche as this might sound- why is it that big? 

"I take it you're impressed", he commented as his hands clasped around my waist and he towered over me dangerously.

"That goes in me?", I whispered to him in a daze.

He gave me a comforting smile and nodded, "I'll prep you first babe, you know I'd never hurt you."

"I know but-", I tried to say but was cut off when he said, "Don't worry I've done my research and my size should only be a slight problem, you'll be fine pup".

Feeling reassured, I nodded at him making him lift me and toss me onto the bed on my stomach. Quickly flipping onto my back, I saw as he joined me on the bed, taking each step slowly and calculatedly like a predator would- making my dick stir.

Getting in between my legs, he dropped kisses and hickeys to join the ones that Ellie already left all over my body. I writhed beneath him as he attacked my body to mark it as his, leaving purple and red marks with his skilled lips. Soon enough he reached my nipples which he began to suck and tug at, earning instant whines and moans from me.

"Don't think I forgot how sensitive my pup was at his nipples", he said and I could only bite my lips and watch with dazed eyes and heavy breaths at what he was doing to me. 

Chuckling deeply when I whined, he stopped his assault on my poor puffy nipples, instead, now he spread my thighs apart. He then reached the bedside stand to pull open the top drawer and get a bottle of what looked like lube.

Concentrating on the task at hand with focused brows, he used a generous amount of lube to coat his fingers and gave me a signal about his intentions with a nod. He aligned his fingers to my hole and pushed a single digit in making me take in a deep breath at the alien feeling. He pushed his finger in slowly but firmly as far in as he could've as I sat up against the headboard to watch him. 

After he thrust his finger in and out of me for a bit, he added a second one in to join. My mouth formed an O shape as I looked at where his fingers disappeared into my body as he used his other hand to grab my chin and kiss me. Continuing this action for a bit, Grey eventually added a third finger in me and began the process of thrusting his fingers in and out of me.

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