🏒Aggressive ⛸️

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"You insolent boy! What have you done? What were you thinking Wei Wuxian?!"

Looking at his team manager Qiren with defiance, Xian tried to quash his anger. Behind him; the stadium was still cheering loudly for their victory, but their victory was under last account of goal scored by JC making it 2-1.

Xian's knuckles turned white in anger as he remembered that one goal which passed through his tending. That one goal which lead to Xian loosing his mind, getting aggressive and causing a brawl with other team's forward.

Lucky for Xian and his team, the forward from opposite team used his skate blades as a medium of attack to kick which caused an injury just above his eyebrows. Resulting in Xian throwing a punch and both players were suspended from playing the game.

JC being a saviour got back that one point and led the team to victory.

"Here." Coach Chen had placed a bag of ice on Xian's eyes. "The wound is deep. We could only get you an emergency aid. You need to visit the hospital Xian. Looks like you would require some stitches."

"He requires more than stitches Chen. He is in dire need of a brain to comprehend his errors."

Hearing this was the last straw of patience for Xian. The next second he got up to leave but not without giving a piece of mind to their manager. "If you hate me so much, why don't you kick me out of the team?"

The wrath behind the elder's eyes were evident. "If I had that power, believe me I would. You ungrateful ass. This wasn't the first time you got into a brawl. Last game of yours was aggressive too. The-" Qiren was cut off by his phone ringing. Watching the name on screen his face turned pale. He thought to himself; not what I needed at this moment.

JC was now standing guard next to Xian and he was grateful to his friend. His team had not yet accused him but he sure knew they weren't too happy either. Meanwhile; rest of them tried to read Qiren's gestures. Whoever was on the other side of that call, didn't seem too happy. The moment their manager ended the call, he turned his fury towards Xian.

"Happy! This is what you wanted right?"

"What happened Sir Ren?" Their Captain Jin was the one to enquire hesitantly.

"The one thing I was dreading. Thanks to this idiot, the board has decided to suspend Xian for next three games."




Xian heard chorus of disappointments around him and guilt ate him from inside. He did not want this either.

"Sir Ren, is there something we can do? I can do? We need Xian. He's our best chance to win the nationals."

"Jin." Coach Chen tried to placate the captain in distress. "This is just start of the season. We cannot go against the boards decision."

"But coach, the other teams will score and it would be difficult to gain points. Isn't there any other punishment for him? We're all aware Xian does not have malice in his heart. There are also enough proofs that the other team instigated him."

"That was one thing which troubled me the most." Xian now sought their manager's eyes which had lost the fight in them. "The way he has been playing for past few games, not only we but the other team noticed his weakness too. They used it well. There isn't anything that can be done. Tonight there will be a press conference."

Catching Xian's eyes; Ren sighed sadly, "You had a bright future Wei Wuxian. Your anger let you down." With that he walked away and all Xian could do was turn down the bile that came to rise.

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