🏒Charging ⛸️

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Jun walked through a dark and damp passageway leading him to the cell, where he was not surprised to see Mr. Wu waiting for him just by the door.

"Mr. Lan."

"Mr. Wu."

None of them bothered with further pleasantries. There was no need for any.

Mr. Wu was aware who the man in front of him was. The Lans were nothing short of royalty in their own country, and had his parents been alive, one of them would have been President themselves.

"They are waiting for you inside. You have less than ten minutes, after which--" Mr. Wu paused as his eyes did not waver from Jun's, and he continued, "they will be transferred to the place you chose for them."

Jun had to contain his smirk. He had contacts that were beyond people's comprehension. Had it not been for his Wei Ying, he wouldn't have gone this far.


The door opened, and the cop who guarded them was quick to exit.

Except for Zen and Miron, the others were clueless about Jun's identity. Miron was seated, his hands tethered to the table with handcuffs, and the rest were chained to each other, standing right behind him.

Jun rejoiced at the fear he saw in their eyes. A sharp pain shot through his own heart when he recalled the same pain in his Wei Ying's eyes that night.

"Why are you here?" Miron hissed, and this time Jun did not bother hiding his smirk.

"Who do you think got you here?"

"What?" Miron whispered, and this time he visibly paled.

"The best thing you ever did was to threaten me, Miron. The day you decided to give me a call and yap about Xian, in that very second, you began your own doom.

"You thought I'd sit back and watch you all wreck his career? Well, you can kiss your own career farewell. You will never be able to come out alive from the place you're all going to go."

"We... We..." a man next to Zen stuttered, "Could still be... let... free."

Shaking his head in amusement, Jun chuckled, "Nope. That won't ever happen."

"What?" Zen bit his lip in disdain, and Jun leaned back and crossed his legs. Placing one arm behind the backrest of the chair he had occupied, Jun gave away his sinister smile.

"I am Lan Wangji. My parents were in the ministry, and as a child, I practically grew up in the president's house. My uncle is one of the most revered members of the sports federation of this country, as is my cousin. As for me, well, I'll keep that part a mystery.

"You just screwed yourselves up by going after someone who means well to me. What you guys did, I can never forgive you for that."

"It amazes me that even after he has been used up, you still want his as*. Shall I give you pointers on what makes him c*m?" Zen's snide remarks had no effect on Jun.

The latter impassively gazed at Zen and asked, "I understand this jerk, but what about you? Xian was your mentor."

"A fu*king mentor, was he? I loathed him. I don't know how much you know about his past, but let me share one knowledge with you. Xian and I grew up in the same orphanage. Our lives weren't supposed to be that different, yet he hardly stayed in that hellhole. He was allowed to leave whenever he wanted and was allowed to come back whenever he pleased. He was adopted twice, but then he came back. His idi*t brother was untouchable because of that wh*re he dated."

"Be careful with your choice of words." Jun warned.

Zen's anger was blazing out by now. "If Xian wanted, he could have saved me."

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