🏒 Hockey Puck⛸️

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"Oh! Hold on."

It was then Xian realised Val was still waiting for him and made his way towards Giovanni and said, "I am sorry for that."

Val had a soft smile playing on his lips as his eyes swayed between him and Azure who was standing behind. "No worries. I am assuming you won't be able to make it for dinner."

Xian was glad that Val wasn't one of those people who pried on others for information and gossip.

"Maybe another day?"

"Your friend is invited too. The way he is staring daggers at me; just let him know the offer is open for him to join us." With a smirk Val winked and walked away.

Xian was surprised by the fact that Giovanni did not recognise Azure and before he could ponder much, Azure was next to him; softly holding his arm and enquired, "Who was that?"

"The reason why I was scouted by the NHL?"

"What do you mean?" A cute frown marred Azure's forehead and Xian had to smile. 'Adorable', he thought.

"That's Valentina Giovanni. He's the one who scouted me when I played for the under 18 team. Also the one to record what happened last night with your brother Chen. He was also the one to submit all the proofs which cemented the sixth accused."

The moment Xian remembered Zen's words from last night, his mood instantly plummeted and Azure was quick to take him in his arms.

"I'm here, aren't I? Don't think about them."

It was then Xian pushed back a little and asked, "Yeah. Why are you here? I thought you were back home."

Softly caressing the back of Xian's head, Azure softly questioned even though he knew the answer, "When is your semifinals?"

"Tomorrow." Thinking about his game made Xian sick. He wasn't prepared. These last minute changes were giving him ultimate ulcers.

"To train you. That is why I am here. Remember I said that when you need me the most, I'll be here for you? JC informed me about the change of plans and with your semifinals being tomorrow, best assumed we'll train for the day. I am still your coach. Albeit temporary; but still!"

"You think I'll be ready by tomorrow Azure?"

"I am absolutely sure you're all ready, but we have time. We'll play until you feel confident."

"But I still haven't learnt how to play the Hybrid technique! What am I going to do Azure?" Xian was feeling sick when Azure placed both his palms on either side of Xian's cheek and whispered with conviction, "I am here, aren't I?" Not waiting for an answer Azure continued, "Let's play and forget about everything else. You just need to concentrate on saving the goal and not allowing the puck anywhere near you."

"I once heard a confession." Xian wasn't sure why he so randomly remembered this memory. "Years ago when I had just joined the team. Our then captain; a goaltender like me; was already engaged and when his fiance came over to celebrate him winning MVP of the season, he got down on his knee and uttered the words 'I Puck You.'

"At first I was confused and asked him what he meant by them; and my then captain smiled very lovingly towards his fiance and said; 'For goaltenders, we have a love and hate relationship with our pucks. How much ever we love a puck, we're scared when the team opposite scores and so we're careful. A relationship is like that. One cannot take it for granted. One needs to always remember how much we can win and loose with the same lover and that is why; we need to respect and cherish then forever.'

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