🏒 Twig ⛸️

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Moment Xian stirred on his side of the bed he felt a certain warmth behind him. Upon turning, he was first astonished to see Azure and a seconds later he found it quite nice to have someone share his bed.

'When was the last time I had a lover and woke up to see them sleeping soundly?' Xian smiled as he gently raised his finger to touch Azure's eyelashes. The answer was too long.

He remembered their conversation from last night and the amount of patience Azure had given him.

Not wanting to wake up the other man yet, Xian slowly crawled away from their bed and made his way into the bathroom. Firstly he wanted to wash the grime from last night and secondly today was their game. Even though he wasn't a part of the playoff, yet Xian wanted to be there to cheer for his team. But, before he could enter, Sahara peeked her head to greet him; and even though he really wanted to ignore her, he couldn't. Afterall it was she who saved him.

With an awkward smile and a small wave of acknowledgement he ran into the bathroom and locked the door. 'Baby steps, Xian. Baby steps.'

Standing below the showerhead, he had to snicker at the feeling of missing his bathroom back at Azure's house. That was mammoth compared to this.

His toiletries were back in room and if he were to step out now and collect them, Xian was afraid he might wake Azure. Having made up his mind, it was best to use the complimentary provided by the hotel.

As he rubbed his calloused body, Xian chuckled warmly at the memory from years ago when he first stayed in a small mediocre hotel. He was so ecstatic to see small soaps and shampoos and personal towels that he could use and sleep on a clean sheet of bed.

Even though his orphanage was good, he often would have to share his soaps, towels and other personal items with so many kids.
So seeing those miniature soaps were luxury.

As the water sluiced through his body, yet Xian's finger caressed the small soap in his hand. 'You've come so far Xian. Be proud.' He thought to himself. And even though Xian was now the global face of  many luxury brands; he still wanted to take this soap home. A reminder of his journey.

With a sigh he resumed his shower and quickly went onto clean himself. It was then he realised his clothes were back in the room and with no other option, he tucked the towel around his waist and walked out of the bathroom only to stop and stare at Azure who was naked from above.

The first thing Xian found alluring was the tattoo which adorned Azure's body and the other were his eyes. Those same eyes that pierced his own, owning him and making Xian succumb to all orders that came out of Azure's lips.

The first thing Jun realised was an empty bed and warm sheets

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The first thing Jun realised was an empty bed and warm sheets. He smiled at the memory from last night. Jun wasn't aware as to how much Ice remembered, but he did and the most vivid memory of all was Ice kissing the corners of his lips.

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