🏒Wagon ⛸️

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Xian was all alone for his usual morning run and he was glad for it.

Last evening after their little chat, Xian had no strength in him to put on a fake smile and walk around the house. After dinner, he had bid Ms. Lee and Azure a warm evening and retired for the night.

This morning, even Sahara knew to keep a bit of distance. When Xian was all ready to head out for a run, except for a small whine which could have meant she wanted a pat or scratch from him, she didn't do much.

Xian smiled at the thought that animals are indeed very perceptive of human emotions.

He loved this part the most. Running.

When one runs; there isn't much to think about. The world is blurred and all one can feel is the adrenaline pumping within you.

It was almost time to head back and just like yesterday, he could see the porch light from a distant. As his feet halted to take some deep breaths, Xian heard a light mew.


He turned around but except for the vast expanse around him, he couldn't see much. It was sudden moment amongst the bushes that drew his attention to a small ball of fur.

'What the fuck is this?' he questioned cautiously.

Upon closer inspection; Xian was absolutely stunt to see it was not a ball but some kind of... 'What kind of an animal is this?'

It was tiny.

Xian remembered what Azure had informed about his other part of the land being some kind of sanctuary.

'Is this some kind of a wild animal? If it was; it could be that it's mama is nearby... right?'

'Should I pick it up?'

'No! I shouldn't disturb their habitats.'

'But... Azure might be able to help this tiny one.'

'Not that I am an expert but it does look like a baby.'

Xian kept waging a monologue war inside his head and in the end decided it was best to leave the animal undisturbed.

With a deep breath he started running towards home; but his mind was back with that tiny creatures.

'It's a good thing I left it behind. What if that bear like creature, which Azure calls it a dog, ate that tiny one?'

At that thought, Xian's feet halted on its own accord and was about to fall; when another supposition hit him.

'What if an actual bear eats him? Not a dog but an actual wildlife?! He is so tiny!!!'

Pulling his hair; Xian let out a deep yell of frustration; and with vigilante in mind; he sprinted back to the tiny creature who was still there. Sleeping and mewling.

'Who are you calling for?'

'Please let it not be your mama! I am single, don't have kids, one day would want one... or many-' Xian stopped his monologue mid-sentence and chided himself. 'Stop it! Let's not get carried away! Let me take this fur ball to Azure and then he can decide what has to be done.'

Proud of his own action, Xian unzipped his jacket and draped it around the little furball and proceeded home.

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