🏒War Room⛸️

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"Miron." Moment Jun heard this name his fist clenched in anger. He always had an inclination to cause undisputed harm to this so called man.

Keeping up the impassive facade Jun asked, "Miron; who?"

As expected there was undeniable silence at the other end. Moron hadn't expected this reply.

"Xian's boyfriend."

The challenge was evident and Jun had the perfect answer, "Oh! Now I remember Xian did mention about his ex. Aren't you an Ex Boyfriend?"

'Wei Ying, you deserve much better than this assh*le.' Jun couldn't tame down eeriness of this call.

"Is that what he said?" Moron was cockiness was evident. "He's still my boyfriend. We're very much together. And if you want-" there was a long pause and then he added, "There. I sent you a proof. After this call watch it. Mr. Lan, do not believe everything Xian tells you. He can be manipulative."

'There is no way in this world where I won't believe my Wei Ying.' Jun wanted to get away from this disgusting piece of shit.

"Get to the point. What is it you want from me?"

"Meet me tomorrow at Mangroves Plaza by noon. I will be waiting for you outside Freddy's Cafe and come alone." Jun could feel a dark aura being emitted from Miron.

"Why do you wish to see me? How can I be of any assist to you?"

"Mr. Lan; you are the only person of interest with whom I need to meet. Don't keep me waiting." With that the call was cancelled and Jun was seething from within.

A small video clip caught his attention and when he opened the clip, his world came to a standstill. It was a video of Miron and Xian kissing eachother. By the angle from which is was taken, it seemed Xian wasn't aware he was being filmed.

'This fucker!!!' Jun wanted to roar in anger, but he knew if Wei Ying was to find out about this clip, it would be disastrous. Thus, reining his anger Jun took few deep breaths and made necessary arrangements for next day. Mangrove Plaza was closer to the arena they had their match few days ago. Whatever Miron had planned, Jun had to play his card carefully.

If that man ever caught onto what Wei Ying meant to Jun, he would use it as a leverage and that was something Jun would never be able to tolerate.

Upon checking the clock, Jun realised it was beyond midnight and his Wei Ying would have already gone off to bed. The eeriness from before hadn't waned and with each passing time, he became more desparate to spend few more seconds with Wei Ying. What would entail tomorrow; Jun wasn't sure, but at this moment he needed his Ice.

Making way into Wei Ying's bedroom, Jun was glad to find the other man sound asleep. 'If I can protect you from all harms my Wei Ying, I will make sure nothing ever troubles you again.'

Joining Ice on the bed, Jun covered them with thick blanket; and just when he was to close his eyes, Wei Ying turned in his arms and snuggled into his body. This act caught Jun by pleasent surprise as he experienced Ice's implicit trust on him.

"You're cold."

Wei Ying buried his nose against Jun's neck which made him smile. Softly caressing the younger man's hair Jun enquired, "Not feeling sleepy?"

"I am; but you weren't there to share my bed and that made me feel very lonely." Though this statement was innocent, but the impact it had on Jun was tremendous.

"Is everything alright? You suddenly went quiet!" At Wei Ying's deduction, Jun smiled and whispered, "Everything is alright. Just received a call from the company which manufactures uniform for the kids whom I coach. They had some mix-up. Would have to travel to the city."

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