🏒Scoring Chance ⛸️

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Xian felt a certain heaviness on his chest, and as he opened his eyes, he realised he couldn't stretch his body to let out the early morning kinks. The reason was due to a sweet, salt-and-pepper-haired man using his shoulder as a personal pillow. 

What surprised Xian was something down south poking him on his thigh, and he could not contain his blush. That poke wasn't his own, and he was sure it was Azure's. 

He might have made subtle moves, because seconds later, Azure stirred and glanced at Xian's and bestowed upon him the most angelic smile he'd ever seen.

"Good morning." Azure's voice was raspy, and Xian could not hide his blush as he felt the poke once again. 

"What's the matter?" Azure's senses became more keen as he raised his right hand to feel Xian's forehead. "Why has your face turned red?"

'Oh! Dear.'  Was that all Xian could think when he leaned into Azure's ear and whispered naughtily, "Someone is excited to see me?"

"Huh?" Azure frowned and asked, "What?" 

Kissing Azure's forehead, Xian once again whispered, "Lan Zhan Jr. is poking me. I didn't know you had such naughty thoughts, Azure."

The innuendo dawned on the older man as he raised his blanket to peek below. With a smirk, he crawled into the blanket, and before Xian could contain his yelp, the man was back, and with a grin, he brought out the culprit for Xian's naughty thoughts.

Fur Ball.

"That someone was your pet, Wei Ying, and it seems he wanted all your attention."

All Xian could do was laugh and take Fur Ball in his arms, who quickly crawled onto his shoulders as he said, "At least someone was interested in greeting me." 

"Hey! I am too." Azure refuted with a small blush, and he commented, "Just that I am being a gentleman at this moment." 

Finding it too adorable, Xian leaned in and kissed Azure's cheeks and said, "Thank you, Mr. Lan, for being such a gentleman, but I don't mind some hide and seek here and there." 

Snaking his hand under the blanket, Xian was ready to tickle Azure when they heard a pair of voices clearing their throats. Glancing above them, Xian and Azure realised they had company, and it was none other than Christian and Jeff, who were sporting the biggest grin. 

"I told you, Chris, let's not disturb the couple this early in the morning, but you didn't want to listen. Now you're seeing something you didn't want to see." Jeff grinned while Christian shook his head and turned the other way. 

"You're right. Let's go back home." 

"Hey! Wait. We're not that naughty." Xian was outright laughing. "After all your lectures about cond*ms, birds, and bees... to say I'm a celibate would be a lie, but nonetheless, I'm not this shameless." 

Xian made his way towards Wei Wei, only to find him sleeping. Caressing Sahara's head, Xian inquired with Jeff, "I'll be heading out for a morning jog. Do you wanna join me?" 

Before Jeff could answer, it was Christian who asked, "Why didn't you ask me?" 

Xian was quick with his reply, "Cause you're a lazy as* and I know you don't like running." 

"I would love to." Jeff interjected, "But I don't have any sportswear."

"No worries. You can borrow mine or Jun's."

By now Azure was all decent—not that he wasn't before, but surely his down south was well adjusted. Patting Christian on the back, Azure smiled and nodded, "Let me take a quick shower and I'll join you here. Let these two go for a run."

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