🏒Cherry Picker ⛸️

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"Ms. Lee! What did the doctor say? How is Fur Ball?"

"Don't worry Xian. The kind doctor said that your Fur Ball is absolutely fine. Just that she has to be kept in clinic for an overnight observation and tomorrow we can bring her home."

"Really? Thank the kind universe." Xian glanced back at Jun who was driving and gave him a thumbs up. "What time are you coming back?"

"Sahara and I will be back in half an hour. Do you or Master Lan need anything?"

"Hold on. Let me ask Az... I mean Wangji." Biting lips at his error, Xian placed the phone away and asked Jun, "Ms. Lee is asking if you need anything?"

Watching Azure shake his head Xian relayed the message back to Ms. Lee. "No Ms. Lee. We don't need anything."

"Alright. Will see you two in half an hour."

With a contented sigh Xian pocketed his phone and was glad that they were nearing home. He could not wait to have Fur Ball in his arms again. What a cutie pie!

"We have guests." At Azure's comment, Xian saw a car park in front of the main house. "Are you expecting someone?"

Xian could not believe his own eyes.

Aston Martin.

The only one whom he knows to drive Aston Martin was his -. With a grin he unlocked the door and dashed out of Azure's car; only to meet with a strong arm embracing Xian as he lifted the other person in his arms and swirled them around.

Laughter resonated and Xian was glad to hear them after such a long time. Placing the person in his arms carefully down, Xian gazed into the other's eyes and saw nothing but warmth and love.

Kissing her forehead, Xian hugged her softly this time and she melted into his arms and buried her face into the crook of his neck.


Hearing someone clear their throat, Xian glanced up at Azure watching them intently.

'Fuck! Azure might not like uninvited guests.'

Still having one arm around her shoulders, Xian was just about to make introductions when his eyes fell upon another person walking their way.

'No way!'


Walking over to his brother, Xian pulled him in for a hug and the two men rejoiced their union. With a hard pat on JC's back, Xian turned around to introduce them to Azure.


Fuck. Not again.

"Guys, this is Lan Wangji aka Jun." Walking to where Jun was Xian grinned. "Jun, this is Jiang Cheng or JC as you have head me call him. And this-"

Before Xian could continue, Jun smiled and took a step forward, "Wang Kiara. CEO of CULTFAM. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Widening his eyes; Xian watched the two shake hands and questioned, "How did you know about Kiara?"

"Contrary to popular beliefs, I am not living as a hermit Xian. I know CULTFAM is one of the leading sports brand company.

"Ms. Wang's company has been in touch with my PR team asking me to be their brand ambassador."

"And you have always declined our offer." Kiara gave Jun a warm smile.

"I hope there are no hard feelings. I just like my peace."

"Appreciate your honesty. But, don't worry. I am not here as a CEO of CULTFAM; but here to meet my brother." Giving Xian a broad smile Kiara tucked her hand in his arm.

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