🏒 Hooking ⛸️

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Xian followed Jeff into the club and even though it was illuminated with dim lights, Xian's heart constricted with sheer pain at the memory of what had transpired here.

He could still feel their sullen touches all over his body; and maybe Jeff did feel Xian's anxiety, because next second he felt a warm hand caressing his hair gently and murmuring a lullaby.

Had this been another occasion, Xian might have laughed, but this was too much for his heart to bear.

"Deep breath love." Jeff whispered in his ears.

Once Xian got some semblance, Jeff's worried eyes sought his. "I am okay. I'll be fine in few seconds, but for now we don't have time to waste." Just then his gaze caught a familiar face he once had loved. Miron.

Pointing towards his direction Xian whispered, "That's him."

With a soul filled with conviction, Jeff gave him a subtle nod and moved towards their target.

The plan was Jeff would steal Miron's phone and clone every content in it, delete the incriminating evidence and subtly place the phone back in Miron's pocket; all the while Christian would distract him by flirting until Jeff can perform his miracles; and all he himself had to do was relax and be on a lookout.

Xian saw Christian approaching Miron and even though he wanted to watch their play, he knew it wasn't safe nor sane to be there. Thus, donning a hat with feathers that would keep his face partially hidden, he moved towards the dance floor with the rest of the club goers and danced his fill out.

It was then he felt a pair of hands around his waist and the unease from before took over his fright. He wanted to fight, but causing a scene would bring unwanted interest; and thus with a heavy heart he continued to ignore.

It wasn't long after he felt the hand being replaced with a familiar one, and instantly all his anxiety left his soul as Xian pivoted in the warm embrace of Azure.

He's here.

Pulsing rhythm of the music playing in the background and Azure's furious gaze made him all the more toxic and unable to not tease, Xian bit his lip and whispered, "Hello sexy!"

The change was instant and Xian could feel it.

"Don't play with fire Ice. Don't test my humbleness." The warning was evident but tonight Xian was in mood to test Azure's limits. But before he could take his chance; Xian's cell beeped and it was an indication from Jeff that the work was done.

Catching Azure's eyes Xian gestured for them to leave and as decided before, they met Jeff at the same place where he had parked his car.

"Works done. I have cloned his phone where he won't even have an ounce of doubt. The file name still exists in his phone so as to not raise doubt, but whenever he would open the file-" Jeff's smiled mischievously, "Let's just say he would be in for a surprise."

Letting out the pented breath Xian enquired, "How long until we find everything there is related to this video?"

"It would take me an hour. I need to retrace every step and cloud details."

"Alright. You guys go back home and work in peace. My anxiety would just be an hindrance to you all. Once you're ready call me and I'll be there."

"I'll be here with you."

"Azure -"

"I'm staying and that's final. Christian and Jeff, you guys head home. Sahara is there too. Need any help call us and we'll be there."

With a pat, Christian handed over his car keys to Azure and drove off with Jeff.

"Why did you choose to stay? I won't be a good company right now Azure."

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