🏒 Attacking Zone⛸️

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*Extremely Trigger Warning*

"Miron and I; our story story started about a year and half ago. He was a new recruit and I was already a professional player by then.
As you're aware, there are so many clubs associated with the national team.

"During one such practice session; Miron's club was invited to play with ours. Not being from here, he and few of his mates were not aware of our protocol. On arrival they were arrogant and had no respect for seniors or juniors. They just wanted to play rough and tough.

"I get it. They wanted to make name for themselves as quickly as possible; but not going against ethics and culture. We started on wrong foot. I hated Miron's guts and he hated mine. We had a play-off and he was unable to score even a single goal against me. Back then I brushed off his attitude with just one thought that we might not cross paths that often. But I was wrong. So wrong.

"Coach Chen kept insisting we play against these clubs and often; that had Miron and me play against eachother. What was once strong rivalry gradually started to change into a mentor - mentee relationship. Often we stayed back after-hours and I used to coach him personally. Back then there wasn't any romantic feelings or such but a comfort zone was created."

Taking a deep breath Xian gave Jun a small smile; "It's boring isn't it?"

"Not at all."

"Why don't you find this boring? Isn't it such a cliche way to meet someone?"

Jun took his own time to give an answer and when he did, it wasn't what Xian expected.

"Nothing about you will ever be boring."

'Wow' Xian thought to himself. 'Smooth as fuck!'

Clearing his throat Xian continued, "More time we spent with eachother, the closer we became. It wasn't long after Miron confessed his feelings for me and to be honest I was surprised. I always assumed I would never be in a relationship."

"Why not?"

"Because who would want a person like me when their own parents didn't want them?" There; Xian had finally revealed his darkest thoughts to someone whom he just met few days ago.


"I know it's not healthy... But, in the end I was right in a way. I was discarded like garbage and he showed me the mirror, a person who isn't wanted by his own parents, will probably never be wanted by someone else."

Jun was quick to hold Xian's hand in his and turned to face him. "Never think of yourself that way. He was a bast*rd. You have many people to love you Xian. Many."

Gazing at their joined hands, Xian slowly retracted it from Azure's and tucked it over his own chest. He didn't want to feel warm. Not now.

"Every second with Miron was beautiful." He continued as if Azure's words didn't have any affect on him. "He was caring, attentive and very warm. I was surprised to find myself wanting to be with him even more. He made me realise I wanted to love and call them my own. I wanted a family.

"From being a passionate lover to a junior who was becoming an amazing team player, Miron was whom I wanted to spend the rest of my life with; or that was what I thought until he scarred me forever. JC never liked him and Kiara was weary of him. They thought something didn't sit well with Miron's eyes; but I like a love sick fool chose not to heed their words.

"I still want to believe that initially he did love me or atleast have genuine feelings for me. The way he looked at me was not of contempt. Atleast this is what I want to believe.

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