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Jun saw compassion in Xian's eyes as he observed Dr. Ray performs her magic. Unable to quell his inquisitiveness, Jun asked, "Have you ever had any pets?" 

Not taking his eyes off Wu and Ji, Xian shook his head and answered, "I always wanted to, but I never had a home to keep them all. Back in the orphanage, whenever I would find any animal injured, I'd sneak it in, but I'd be caught by the caretakers and have to return those animals back to the street. It hurt my heart, and eventually I stopped bringing them in. If I found any animals, I'd take them directly to a shelter. 

"By the time I purchased my condo, I was rarely there to even remotely settle down. The majority of my time, I would be travelling around the world for our matches, or would be at the rink practising or even if I am at my place, it's simply to sleep. Never did find the right opportunity to bring another soul into my life."

Xian fondly gazed at Sahara, who was snoozing next to him. "I never was much of a fan of dogs, and I don't think I still am, except for this babe, but she's different. Maybe, one day I'll have a pet turtle or bird." 

Jun placed his hand on Xian's back and caressed it softly, saying, "You have a big heart, Wei Ying. You're compassionate and sweet. Not many are like you." 

Xian was quiet, but glancing at Jun, he whispered, "Lan Zhan, once I leave, you can send them to their respective sanctuaries. I won't be angry. Don't worry. I cannot burden you to take care of souls when I myself ain't able to shoulder them."

Nudging his shoulder, Xian gave him a small smile and walked into their kitchen. 

Watching Xian's retreating back, Jun thought to himself, 'I can never give them away, Wei Ying. After you leave, they are some of the few memories you would leave behind with me.' 

Shaking himself from such heavy and morbid thoughts, Jun followed Xian. 

Dr. Ray gave Wu and Ji a clean bill of health, and they were all happy that the precious souls were safe and sound. 

Sitting around the table for breakfast, Jeff and Christian were animated, and their sneaky touches did not go unnoticed by Jun. Though he wanted to be civil and ignore them, Xian, on the other hand, had different thoughts.

"Hey, why are you two here?"

Unperturbed, Jeff asked, "What do you mean?" 

Pointing to Christian, Xian continued, "He's like my older brother. I don't want to see you two se*ing in front of me. That's scandalous." 

"I'm leaving for the US in two days, so we planned to spend the day together before going back to see your game tomorrow. That leaves us with just today, and we plan on doing more than se*ing up."

The thought of Jeff leaving soon left a different taste. He was here on vacation, and their plans differed because Jun made the request.

Before Jun could voice his opinion, Xian let out a groan and apologised, "I am sorry, you two. Y'all had plans, and I -"

"Hey!" Jeff was quick to interject, "As much as you think it was an issue or a hindrance, I am glad in a way that I could be a part of your journey, revenge, and healing. Over the years, Chris has shared so much about his lil' brother that I have always wanted to get to know you too. I'm glad we could finally meet. I hoped it could have been under better circumstances, but nevertheless, I am glad to be here."

"Thank you, Jeff. Christian. Without you, we-"

"Hey!" Jeff held Xian's hands warmly and smiled, "Our ordeals may be different, but our pain is the same. I am here for you now and forever. You have a brother in me too. After Chris, if you ever wish to seek me out, I'm just one call away."

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