🏒Bottle Rocket⛸️

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"Where are you taking me?" Xian enquired as he peeked out of Azure's car, which appeared to look more like a pick-up truck than a car. Well seemingly that Azure lived away from the city, the utility value of the vehicle was much more predominant.

"To someone who can give me lots of money in exchange for a national player."

The comment was said in such a deadpan manner; all Xian could do was laugh out loud. So loud that it shook his seat and Xian did not miss Azure's eyes crinkling with silent laughter.

"Yeah? Well I hope you're getting a good offer! This face can sell for millions."

"Confident too much?"

Turning his entire body to face the man driving them to an unknown destination, Azure was the only focal point for Xian.

"You bet! Do you know how many copies of Star Sports Magazine got sold out in minutes the moment -" pointing to his own face; Xian sounded absolutely smug about it: "my face graced their coverpage? Five million copies in less than two minutes."

Rolling his eyes, all Azure could do was sigh and be glad that they were nearing the parking lot.

"Hey! I did not miss your eye roll! Do you think I'm lying?"

"No... I don't think you're lying. All I am thinking at this moment is what a pompous ass you're being." To add for good measure, Azure grinned and Xian's lips curved into a small smirk.

"It's a good thing you're handsome. I'll let that go; but if you continue to be mean, be ready to meet the end of my stick."

Xian turned back to look at the marvellous sight of a glass building structured in an oval shape when Azure retorted back, "You going to spank me?"


Glancing at the man next to him, Xian asked, "Spank? What spank?"

"You said I need to be ready to meet the end of your stick..." Realising that Xian might have meant something totally different and not what Jun assumed, he still clarified, "What did you mean by that?"

"The fuck Azure? I meant you will loose to me on the rink. I won't allow you to goal!" Scrunching his eyebrows at the thought of Azure assuming he would hit him, Xian asked innocently, "Why in this would would I beat you?"

Jun was quiet. He was out of his wits on how to reply to this question. Was Xian really innocent or was he putting up an act?

"Nevermind. Here we are."

Thankfully their weird conversation came to an end and once the car was parked, Jun observed Xian had a childlike enthusiasm.
The youngster is a national player. He had seen innumerable rinks throughout his career, yet at this very moment he's acting as if he is seeing an ice rink for the very first time in his life.

What a child!

"Keep up!" Azure yelled and Xian realised he was far behind. Sprinting towards the older man, Xian grinned with glee, "I loved this place. It's so peaceful in here. I just saw the rink from the viewing area, it's beautiful!"

They were walking together towards the changing area.

"Aren't all the rinks same?" Jun was curious to hear Xian's answer.

"To a layman's eyes, yes. Maybe even to some professionals. But for me; every rink holds a special place. Home, far away from home. Each time I visit a new rink, it brings back the same excitement I felt as a kid when I chanced upon a rink for the first time in my life."

Xian's answer pleased Jun immensely. Many weren't aware, but for Jun, he felt the same. Each rink had its own story.

"Come on. Let's go."

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