🏒Post-Game Handshake ⛸️

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Christian knew what was at stake, and today he had to win this battle, not only for his brother but for all such victims who were scared to face the ugly truth of life.

If he could protect even one person from this hellish turmoil, many would have the courage to come forward and speak against such atrocities.

His gaze landed on his soulmate. Jeff. Watching Jeff sit there, proudly looking back at him, gave Christian confidence that he too could win this battle.

It has taken years of trust for them to reach here and accept their past. It hasn't been easy, nor will it be in the future, but Christian knew that, as long as Jeff was by his side, he would be okay. Their lives would be awesome.

Even today, he gets nightmares at times from the sheer memory of seeing Jeff bleed. He never confided his thoughts to Jeff, but the latter knew anyway. He always did.

As if it were a telepathic conversation, Jeff looked in his direction and gave him a blinding smile. Having made up his mind, Christian vowed silently, 'I have only loved one person for all my life, and that is you. Tonight, after we win this case, I will ask for your hand, Jeff. I want you to be my partner, not just by name but even legally. I want to be known as your husband. Even if we aren't able to meet often because of your business in the US and mine here, I still want you. Only you.'

A cute frown marred Jeff's forehead as he mouthed, "What happened?"

All Christian could do was grin and shake his head in negation, mouthing back, "Nothing."

Next to him was Xian. Though he looked as impassive as he could be, Christian did not miss a small tick of concern in Xian's eyes. He was scared and nervous.

At this moment, nothing much could be pondered since the judge walked in and the jury members followed.

"All rise!" The usher's voice rang out loudly.

This was all on him now. His brother, Xian, depended on him. Ji believed in him, and above all, Jeff had his hopes on him.

He will win this case.

Judge Fujiwara's deep voice resonated within the opulent walls of the courtroom. "This case presents the complainant, Wei Wuxian, vs. six accused, namely, Mr. Zen Ivanov, Mr. Miron Petrov, Mr. Edik Sokolov, Mr. Edmon Sokolov, Mr. Fred Johnson, and Mr. Lenya Smith. Is the complainant present?"

Christian bowed down in front of the jury and judge and answered, "Yes, your honour."

"Are the accused present?" At Judge Fujiwara's question, the defendant's attorney, Mr. Wu, answered, "Yes. Your honour."

"Prosecution, please come forward and give your opening statements."

Taking a deep breath, Christian commenced his recitation, knowing there was only one end to this case. Victory.

"Your honour, all the accused present here have been booked under Article 375 for ra*e. Article 376 for punishment for ra*e. Article 376D for Gang ra*e. Article 320 for grievous hurt. Article 227 for hurting the modesty of a person. Article 442 for inducing foreign substances, in this case by administering drugs and then performing se*ual activity on an incoherent person. Article 446 for defamation and slander. Article 654 for extortion is under the Criminal Penal Code.

"Your honour, we plead for life imprisonment, a fine imposed on the accused for 200 million dollars with no chance of parole or probation, and community service."

With a bow to the judge and jury, Christian turned to take his seat and, with an intent to mock all the accused sitting on the defence side, gave them a smirk. It made him feel good when he saw Miron flinch.

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