Blue's Raticate

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Upon entering the S.S. Anne, Red explored some of the rooms and found some useful items, as well as battling some of the passengers and after talking to one of them, he found out the Captain was sick. Red being the nice person he was, decided to check on the Captain and see if he was okay. Just before he got to the Captain's room however, Blue came walking out with a disgusted look on his face. Upon seeing Red however, he started to smirk.

"Bonjour, Red!" he said with a fake french accent before switching back to his own voice. "Imagine seeing you here! Ha! Were you really invited?"

"Of course I was!" Red said angrily.

"Whatever," Blue waved his hand dismissively. "So, how's your Pokédex coming along? I already caught forty kinds, pal. Different kinds are everywhere. You should try crawling around in grassy areas and look hard for them."

"Whatever Blue! My Pokédex is coming along just fine!"

"Alright then, let's see how your Pokémon are coming along!"

The battle started and Blue sent out his Pidgeotto, so Red sent out Pikachu and took Blue's Pokémon down with ease. Next came his Raticate, so Red switched out Pikachu with Charmeleon and took down that Pokémon as well. Wartortle was next so Red countered him with Ivysaur and Blue was down to his last Pokémon, Kadabra. This time it took Red a little longer but he finally defeated Blue by using his last Pokémon Pidgeotto and finishing with Charmeleon.

"Well, at least you're raising your Pokémon. I heard there was a cut master on board, but he was just a seasick old man. Cut itself is really useful, it'll be quite handy. You should see him too.

"Smell ya later!"

And with that he ran down the hall and round the corner.

Red continued to the Captain's room and knocked on the door. He heard a faint reply and went inside, to see the old man which Blue had spoken about. He was crouching over a small, metal rubbish bin and looked rather pale. Red went over and rubbed the Captain's back, just like Red's mother had done when he was sick as a child. After a while, the Captain straightened up and looked a lot better.

"Thank you," he said to Red, who smiled and said it was no problem. The Captain then gave Red a small disc. "Here," he said. "A token of my appreciation."

"Thanks!" said Red with a grin.

"You're welcome," the Captain replied. "I really must get ready to set sail now, so I apologize, as I cannot talk a moment longer."

"It's okay! I need to go now anyway." And Red exited the room with another thank you from the Captain.

As Red left the ship, he turned around as the ship began to move, and stayed there until it was all but a tiny dot on the horizon.

Some time later...

Red had finally made it to Lavender Town and as he walked further in, he heard an interesting conversation between a young couple.

"I heard Mr. Fuji hasn't come back for hours now. I wonder what has happened to him?" the young man said.

"Well Mr. Fuji supposedly went in to confront Team Rocket," the young woman replies.

"I would go after him but I have no Pokémon."

Red had heard enough and approached them. "I'll go and look, I'm a Pokémon Trainer!"

"No offence buddy," the man said. "But you're just a kid, what can you do?"

Red smiled and showed them the badges on the inside of his jacket. "I have three badges, it won't be too tough."

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