Jane the Killer/Jane Everlasting

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Listen, the only reason I'm going out of my way to tell any of you this is because the story "Jane the Killer" is starting to piss me off.

My real name is Jane Arkansaw a.k.a. "Jane the Killer" and this is how I met Jeff, the reason I look the way I do, and why I want to kill him.

When I heard that a new family had moved in across the street, I wasn't that surprised. It was a nice neighborhood, and the house was relatively cheap considering where it was. I guess I was about 13-14 years when everything went to hell.

I never really talked to Jeff when he moved in. To be frank, I never talked to him until... that night. But it's too soon to talk about that now. My first impression of Jeff was that he was a good kid. Probably got nice grades, rarely got into fights, maybe even a cool guy if he opened up to someone.

His brother, Liu, seemed like he put family first by the way he sat with his brother on the sidewalk. Of course, I was just guessing at the time and really didn't put much thought into my analysis because I was getting ready for school. When I looked out the window and I was running late, which was unusual for me at that time of my life because I was hardly late for anything. Especially school.

I wasn't surprised when I saw Randy and his stooges go up to Jeff and Liu on that stupid skateboard of his. Randy was nothing but a bully, he always picked on anyone who was smaller than him.

He was even the reason why my parents drove me to school instead of letting me take the bus like everyone else. Everyone had their lunch money or some kind of cash given to Randy and his goons because of some "toll" that he demanded from everyone.

We all knew Randy's group had knives they threatened to use on us if we ever told anyone about the money they took from the other kids on the block. Everyone, except the new kids, were trying to intimidate like the rest of us.

When I saw Randy talking to them through the window I just looked away. It was a wussy thing to do, but I had better things to do then watch another kid hand over his money to Randy. But curiosity got the best of me and I looked up a few seconds later. What I saw left me speechless. Jeff was standing now, and it looked like Randy already had what he wanted.

Just sit down, I thought, don't be stupid.

Then I saw Jeff punch Randy in the face and broke his wrist.

"Oh my god." I whispered. Then I yelled, "You idiot!"

My parents ran down the stairs and asked what happened. Then they looked outside and saw what was going on. Jeff had already cut the skinny guy, I think his name was Keith, and he went down screaming. Troy only went down with a single punch. Since my house was across the street from where Jeff and his brother were sitting, with the front of the house having big windows, we saw the whole thing. Or at least I did, my parents came in after the part where Randy stole their wallet, so they didn't know the whole truth.

It was disturbing watching Jeff fight. He was enjoying himself too much. I felt a knot in my stomach like something was happening that shouldn't be and from the look on Liu's face, Jeff didn't do this kind of thing often. Next thing I knew I heard sirens and the new kids bolted out of there. The cops came around with the bus driver to check on the 'victims,' it seemed they were going to be alright.

You know, considering the amount of crap kicked out of them.

Since my parent's policy was 'no cops,' ever since my dad got framed by a narc cop when he wanted to draw attention off himself when police were investigating the case of the missing coke. It ended with my dad quitting the force. So when we heard sirens we went into the backyard, got into the car and left.

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