Crimson Cough/The Cough

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Scootaloo shot down the street of Ponyville that morning on her scooter as fast as she could, scaring the heck out of unsuspecting passing ponies and avoiding obstacles at breakneck speed. Scootaloo laughed. She loved doing this in the morning. Maybe, she hoped, Rainbow Dash was in Ponyville to check out her awesome moves. She wanted to be cool like Rainbow Dash. She wanted to put on an awesome show, to give the ponies something they would never forget. But what Scootaloo didn't know was that she would definitely give the ponies something this morning, and it wasn't a show.

After about five minutes, Scootaloo stopped outside of Sugarcube Corner because she felt out of breath for some reason. She got off her scooter and coughed a little. Her throat hurt slightly. She hoped she wasn't coming down with a cold, or else she wouldn't be able to practice her moves for Rainbow Dash.

Scootaloo decided to get a treat from Sugarcube Corner to help her feel better. As she walked through the door, she passed her teacher, Miss Cheerilee, who smiled at Scootaloo when she passed. Scootaloo smiled back. Although she didn't know it, Scootaloo had just killed Cheerilee. Within three days, Cheerilee would be dead after she, too, killed a lot of other ponies, quite by accident.

Mrs. Cake, smiling, gave Scootaloo a cupcake when she walked in. Scootaloo gave Mrs. Cake something in return without even realizing it. Mrs. Cake wouldn't last as long as Cheerliee. She would be dead before the day was over. But for now, Mrs. Cake - quite by accident - would help kill dozens of other ponies.

Throughout the rest of the day, Scootaloo infected other ponies, who infected even more ponies. Scootaloo went back home at the end of the day, feeling exhausted for no reason. Her throat hurt a considerable amount worse and she began coughing more. Still thinking nothing of it, that she just had a little sore throat, Scootaloo went to bed.

Beginning of Day 2

Number of Infected: 1,004

Deaths: 356

Virus Origin: Unknown

Status: Yellow Alert

Scootaloo had thought she would be better in the morning, but she had been wrong. Instead, she actually felt about three times worse than yesterday. She went outside and began coughing. She coughed and coughed and just when she didn't think she would be able to take it anymore, a fine red mist sprayed from her mouth and onto the ground at her feet. Red liquid trickled down her mouth. In horror, realizing she was seriously sick, Scootaloo took off towards the doctor.

When Scootaloo reached the doctor, she had to wait two hours to be admitted inside because there were a lot of other ponies waiting, and most of them seemed to have the same problems as Scootaloo.

The waiting room was a nightmare. At least fifty ponies were in there, and nurses ran around in a hurry, doing their best to clean up the blood and snot that other ponies had coughed up onto the walls and floor.

Nopony knew it yet, but everyone in the hospital would soon be dead.

Scootaloo got back home that evening with a bottle of pills that the doctor had given her. After a few more coughs, which sprayed blood and mucus on the floor, Scootaloo took a pill and headed to bed, still coughing.

Beginning of Day 3

Number of Infected: 7,593

Deaths: 2,261

Virus Origin: Unknown

Status: Red Alert

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