Hobo Heart Stitches

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It was a winter afternoon. Like most winter afternoons, it was overcast. Cloudy with a bit of rain, the wind blew and the leaves rustled on the sidewalk as C.C., and her friend Elizabeth walked home from school.

"It was nice walking this way for a change." C.C. said as the two strolled along.

Elizabeth smiled, "Thanks for joining me this way. I can't believe Britany didn't show again today. She didn't call or anything."

C.C. rolled her eyes. "She probably skipped and went to the lake with Glen."

Elizabeth laughed. "You're probably right. Alright, well, I'll see you tomorrow."

The two parted ways and C.C. continued. She had just a few more blocks till she was home.

As she walked along she saw a small scruffy dog pawing at something in the gutter.

"Hey little guy. Whatcha after?" She crouched down and saw a bone stuck in a crack.

C.C. pried it loose and the dog snatched it up and darted away, towards the alley. the girl followed. "Hey, don't I at least get to pet you?"

When she turned the corner, she saw the dog chewing on the bone at the feet of a boy sitting on a milk crate. He was wearing a grey hoodie and dirty jeans. He was tall and lanky with white hair, crystal blue eyes, and a skull that seemed to be painted on his face.

"Well hello." C.C. said a little surprised. "Is he your dog?"

The boy looked at C.C. with a puzzled expression. "Yes."

C.C. smiled "Can I pet him?"

Still confused, the boy looked at C.C. closely. "Sure...Are you not sad?"

C.C. giggled as she pet the dog. "Why would I be sad."

"I don't know, everyone I meet is sad." Replied the boy.

C.C. frowned "Well that's horrible. Maybe if you didn't have a skull on your face, people would be in a better mood around you. It's a little late for Halloween, don't you think?"

The boy shrugged. "I can't help it. It's a part of me. I've never met anyone that's been happy before."

C.C. turned to look at the boy's face so she could inspect the skull. She reached out and placed a timid hand upon his cheek. She attempted to smear what she had thought was paint, but realized that it was his skin. She quickly dismissed the skull when her eyes met his. They were bright blue and appeared to illuminate at certain angles. She became disoriented and had to shake her head to clear her thoughts.

She fumbled and stuttered for words. "Yuu, your eyes...uhm name...yeah, What's your name?"

The boy smiled. "I don't think I have a name. I'm a Gemberling."

"A what?!" She replied.

"A Gemberling. I was created to serve a purpose." Replied the boy.

"What purpose?" C.C. inquired with a puzzled look.

"I don't think you'd want to know." He said as his eyes seemed to dim.

"Uhm Oookay. So what do people call you?" C.C. asked becoming more confused.

"The only person who has ever called me anything was my creator, and he only calls me gemberling." He said with hesitation.

"That makes me sad. You need a name."

C.C. said before being interrupted by the boy.

"NO!" as he reached out and grabbed her arm. "Never be sad1 My heart couldn't take it."

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