Kate the Proxy/Kate the Chaser

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Kate has multiple appearances in the game, Slender: The Arrival. Between The Eight Pages and The Arrival, she appears to be in her late teens to early 20's.

Before the setting of the game, Kate and her friend, CR, always went out "ghost hunting" in the woods. They would hallucinate things and start running back to Kate's house. A few years later, Kate was found with a broken video camera, flashlight, and a stash of weird drawings. She was soon taken to a psychiatric ward, and had tests done on her. She tried to explain to the doctors, but they would not believe her. A couple years after the traumatizing experience, Kate was deemed stable and sent back to her home. She spent her time with her mother, who soon passed away due to unknown reasons. Kate soon began to see Slenderman again, and started to draw him more and more often.

Kate was also close friends with Lauren during their childhood, and the two of them would always play on the swing set outside her house. This is what prompts Lauren into investigating Kate's disappearance in the first place, which ultimately places her in moral danger as the Slenderman starts attempting to kill her.

A video in Chapter 4: Flashback, shows Kate drawing Slenderman, and muttering that "He's here!" She tried her best to barricade the doors, but she soon found Slenderman already inside the house, and desperately tried to escape to her room. Slenderman was right behind her, and as soon as she saw him appear in her room she was either thrown out of her closed window by Slenderman, or she leapt through it as a last-ditch effort to escape. The tape ends with Lauren baffled.

On the exact day that the game takes place, Kate runs to the woods after fleeing from the video, but in vain as she was caught by Slenderman. She shrieked as loud as she could, making Lauren hear her from the distance. Lauren races to where the scream was, only to find nothing and be stranded near Oakside Park, where Lauren is then captured and teleported to various locations.

Chapter 6: Genesis (added in version 1.3) is a flashback, and confirms that Kate is the person in the original Slender: The Eight pages.

The Chaser

Kate, proxified as the Chaser

Kate is soon found in the Kullman mining shafts chasing Lauren. At this point, Kate has become a proxy to Slenderman known as "the Chaser." It is unknown what happened to her, but she now seems feral and wears a mask and has black substance around her eyes and mouth with very pale skin, possibly due to residing in the mines. Her hoodie and hands are also heavily stained in blood; it is unknown whose blood it is. It appears that her eyes are very sensitive to light. She gets dazed when Lauren concentrates her flashlight's beam towards her face. She also appears to snarl and growl. She keeps chasing Lauren until Lauren finally gets on the lift and escapes.

A completely normal Kate, before she suddenly lunges towards Lauren in her Chaser form and brutally murders her.

In Chapter 5: The Arrival, after Lauren gets knocked out by a proxied Charlie, Lauren wakes up in a room with him, after collecting a book, Charlie disappears, and the crying of Kate is heard, Lauren finds a normal Kate (unmasked and unhooded as well looking badly burnt.) crying in the corner, Lauren approaches Kate, only for her to turn back into The Chaser and kill Lauren, the last shot of the game shows Lauren's limp body (legs shown only) being dragged away by either Charlie, Slenderman, or Kate.


The name "Chaser" is taken from the debug menu, as well as the official Patch 1.2 patch notes. The proxy is never referred to by name in the main game.

When the trailer was released, numerous viewers mistook the Chaser for Jeff the Killer, another popular internet legend. Like Jeff, the Chaser wears a white hoodie, black pants, and many people mistook the white mask to be Jeff's pale white, smiling face.

Parsec Productions seems to be planning a sequel to The Arrival. If it is made then Kate may return; however, if this does happen, it is unknown what might become of Kate.

You can find a mask similar to Kate's in Boogeyman 3.

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