Nyx Niythale

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I was at the park with my mommy and daddy, but they were talking so I looked for someone to play with. I saw two boys that looked around my age and approached them. "Hi, I'm Nyx. My mommy and daddy are over there talking. I'm 8-years-old right now, who are you?" I asked the hooded boy and his younger brother. They didn't speak, only looked at me with blank expressions. The older brother was much taller than myself, he wore a muddy orange hoodie and had black hair with dark blue eyes. The younger was only inches taller than me, and wore a yellow jacket with no hood. He had brown hair and light blue eyes. I looked over at my parents who were now talking to their father. Their dad was very tall and wore a suit, he smiled but it looked forced. I looked back at the two brothers only to see that they were looking at each other, maybe trying to figure out what to say. The younger brother spoke, "I'm sorry for our pause, but I'm Tim and this is my brother, Brian. I'm 8-years-old as well, and my brother is 10." Tim's voice was kind and short as if he could be startled easily, but he looked like someone who could stand up for himself if needed. For their ages they were what mommy called "mature," whatever that means. The older brother just sighed and crossed his arms as if saying 'crazy kids.' I smiled warmly and chatted with them for a while. I figured out that they were "camping" in the woods for a while, but they didn't talk much after that. It was mainly me talking.

I played with them for the next year or so, but they eventually stopped visiting the park. I was left alone again to find new playmates.

The school years were rough due to me being less social, and my parents turned to homeschooling. I'm now at the age of 12. I grew up alone mostly and made little friends. The only friend I did make was Jessica, but she moved away. I've moved as well, from Pennsylvania to California. I've hardly made friends still, but I don't mind. I've also taken interest in fire as well as guns and knives, and draw that when I'm bored. I think my parents worry about me, so I hardly show them my "gory" drawings. I visit a place called Rosswood Park and it's nice, lots of forest and places to get away from others. What, don't hate I'm antisocial. Anyway, I visit this park often to draw, but I've seen people here recording things. He looks kind of scared and I've seen another with a jacket on, he reminds me of Tim and I don't like it. I've been drawing people I've seen, and draw them getting burned alive, stabbed, or shot. I find it amusing but I don't dare show my parents, they will send me to a mental hospital or something. I'll watch these people for a while, see what they're up to...Who knows, maybe I will make friends.

Yep like I thought those people are up to something, the one with the camera is Alex. I was correct and the one with the jacket is Tim, and he's gotten worse since Brian left him on his own for a while. My family was murdered a couple of months ago, and I'm currently 13 now, but Tim lied to me and he was just short, and was 10 like Brian when we first met. Now he's 15. He's very jumpy and complains to be paranoid, and pestered by someone called The Operator or whatever. He's described him to me, but what spooks me, is that it's the same description as my dreams. A very tall man that teleports and stalks his victims till they go insane. I worry for him but he said he can remember dreams of chasing Alex around, and almost killing him multiple times. These two are weird, I can't help but wonder where Brian is though, it's not like him to disappear, right? What am I saying, I only knew them for a year. I go home and draw this Operator thing then get on my computer, and search up the figure. What I find terrifies me greatly. I must warn Tim and Alex, I'll tell them tomorrow I guess...Let's hope they survive though.

I've searched the whole town for any sign of Tim or Alex, but nothing. They've disappeared without a trace, like they were never born and vanished into thin air. I'm currently looking for them in the Rosswood Forest. I swear I'm seeing the Operator everywhere. Oh god, Tim's gotten me paranoid now. I'm seeing it right now, then poof he's gone. Why do you hate me, God, just let it kill me here or survive to tell everyone.

What was that? I heard a cracking of a twig, where did it come from? Duh, the twig came from the tree, but why did it crack? Oh god, there it is again. Calm yourself, Nyx, it's just your...Oh god, there's someone over there. Wait is that..."TIIIIM" I yell and tackle-hug him. He grunts and turns his head to look at me, but to my horror this person is wearing a black mask with blood red eyes, with a stitched blood red frown. He's not wearing a yellow jacket, but he is wearing a bloodied mud orange hoodie. I let go of him, and slowly back away with pure terror. He only stares and walks closer to me, but scared little me trips over a branch and falls. He walks to me and crouches in front of me and says, "Nyx?...what are you doing here?" By now I'm shaking and on the verge of tears, staring into the blood red eyes. He pulls up his mask to reveal recognizable dark blue eyes, but I'm too scared to focus. He hears a snapping of twigs, and we turn to see Alex holding a gun. Tim looking at the hooded person. Tim has something like a mask behind him. I'm guessing Alex didn't see it. While we were having the staring contest, Tim decides to put on the mask and tackle Alex. I screamed at Tim, asking what he's doing. Only to find he's choking Alex and not letting go. I get up only to be tackled by the hooded person, and begin thrashing around trying to get away. After a while, I see Alex go limp and sob quietly to myself. Tim and Alex were my only friends in California, and one just murdered the other. I was helpless being pinned under a person wearing a hoodie covered in blood. I became angry and thrashed, squirmed, kicked, bit, anything to get him to let go, but his grip held fast and I felt a metal on my spine. I looked over my shoulder to see it was a knife, and I struggled harder. I started feeling pain in my spine only to realize he was driving the knife into me. My body screamed but I stayed silent and looked at the masked Tim asking for help. He only stayed quiet for a while. "Hoodie, you think we could take her home?" I feel the pain leave and hear the person, Hoodie, say, "I guess so..." He gets up and I try to stand as well, but am quickly grabbed by the legs and dragged deeper into the forest. I yell and thrash only to be hit on the head with some object by Tim and blacked out.

Hi, I'm Nyx, I live with murderers and am one myself. I am currently 16-years-old. I wear a black hoodie with a blue bandanna and blue googles. My eyes are a dark green and my hair is a dark brown. My teacher is an old playmate named Hoodie, he murdered my parents when I was 13, but I don't mind it anymore. My best friend is Jacklyn, who's teacher is Toby. The other murderers are like brothers and sisters. I work for The Operator or Slenderman, I enjoy fire a lot, and use knives and guns to kill.

Hope to see you in the line of my bullet soon.

~Nyx Niythale

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