James the Night Stalker

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My name is Joshua Samson, I'm eighteen-years-old, and I just moved into an apartment with my roommate; Logan Sopher.

It's pretty nice having our own place for once. No rules to follow, no one yelling at us for chores uncompleted or whatnot. The best part was the easy move, we didn't have a lot of difficulty. But not everything was going as hunkydory. My girlfriend, Jenny, thought it was time that she should move in with us. She says it's time to, "take it to the next level." I don't really agree with this "moving in" thing. In fact, I've been meaning to break up with her the past couple days.

I mean, Jenny's a sweet girl, but she's one of those sensitive girls that if you told her about any sad detail of - say an event in a book or scene of a movie, or even that you saw some poor dog without a home wandering around, she would instantly burst into tears and emotion. But...that's not what bothers me. The reason why I'm breaking up with her is because she's quite the talker - probably the definition of a "chatterbox." Jenny always talks about her feelings and what she did that day. But that final thing - that final factor that just crossed the line - was her (probably very unhealthy) obsession with clothes. She once tried to get me to wear a prom dress. She justified herself by saying, "I just wanted to know what it looked like if it was actually worn." I'm planning to meet her at my parents' house to call it off.

Thursday 3:15 PM

I texted Jenny to meet me at the park near the apartment complex, telling her it was a very serious matter. I could already tell she was nervous, but probably not in the way I had expected. Her last text was "Plz be gentle," ...not to make that sound any more odd than it already is...Anyways - I set out to Night Central Park, meeting up with Jenny near the fountain, where she fed the ducks loaves of bread. I sat down next to her on the bench, trying to be smooth as I could so she might calm down a bit.

"H-hey, Joshy, w-what's going on...?" Jenny asked.

"Jenny, I-I don't want to make this any worse than it is now..." I said to her.

"What are you s-saying?"

I took a breath; "I'm saying that not all relationships last forever, and sadly neither will this one."

The first thing she did was look away so I wouldn't see her crying. As she build up the courage to respond she looked up at me and ran out of the park. I tried to stop her so I could let her down easy, but she was too far gone by the time I managed to get a word out. 'Guilty' was how I felt. 'Heartbreaker' is what I was. I felt awful...

Friday 6:30 PM

Logan and I just came back from work today. But I swear, the jobs we got stuck with were torturous. We both work part time at a café. The place is usually barely filled with people, so there isn't much of a "rush hour" to occupy us. Today was different, though, apparently a bunch of college kids come on Fridays when they're done with their studies. When we came home, we both noticed that we smelled like coffee grinds and pine trees. So we both got out of uniform and went to the showers. As I dried myself, I noticed that I forgot to bring my change of clothes.

"Hey, Logan, could you get my clothes from the closet?" I yelled, receiving no answer.

"Fine, I'll get it myself! Lazy bum..." I said, grabbing a towel and heading to my room. I skimmed through the closet, finding some clean clothes to wear. As I dove into my pile of clothes, I noticed some kind of blondish hairlike material under my T-shirt. I picked up the shirt to find a very old doll on the floor.

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