Event Gone Wrong

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When I found out there was a new event for HG/SS that allowed players to get a Mew, I was excited to say the very least. I had never in any of my Pokémon games come to own a Mew, given the Nintendo events for them had since past and I wasn't about to risk screwing up a game with the Mew glitch. I was at my sister's when I found out and was unfortunately without my DS at the time, so I had to wait until I was back at my dad's to receive my Mew. Just about the moment I got back in the house, I immediately went off to get my new Pokémon; despite not being that big of a Pokémon fan anymore, the anticipation of receiving this rare and special bunch of data brought back some of the excitement I used to feel when I first started playing the games.

However the Mew would have to wait to be used, since I had a strict training regiment in place for my present team at the time I got the legendary. All my Pokémon needed to be at level 20 before I could start training my Mew, despite how badly I wanted to start its training. Soon enough I was through training the rest of my team and proceeded to put Mew up front for battle. The Mew's cry made me smile, as did the sight of its adorable little sprite floating along behind my character.

I probably would not have been so happy if I had known how bad things were eventually going to get.

My Mew was just as the event notice I had read described: Level 5 and only knew the move Pound. I figured it would take a lot of time to raise him to level 20 like the other members of my team, but thanks to the fact he gained a boosted EXP it barely took any time at all. I have no idea why he got boosted EXP, but I figured that was just what happened with Event Pokémon as it does with traded ones. Now, here's where things began to get... Weird.

I needed to train the rest of my team again and get everyone up to level 30, so I switched Mew with my ever faithful Quilava (who was so cleverly named Wildfire). My other Pokémon were organized according to how much EXP they needed before reaching the next level before heading off into the grass to train. I anticipated Wildfire's battle cry and his back sprite... But instead Mew came up. I was confused, knowing I had in fact moved Mew to the back of my team... Something wasn't right here.

There was no way my game could be a hacked version though, as I had gotten it brand new from a Gamestop. Had the event I got my Mew through screwed something in the programming up? As I finally refocused on the screen, I noticed there was a text box that I certainly had never seen before. It read, "MEW wants to battle!."

I looked almost annoyed at this, now sure something had been screwed up in my game. I huffed and went through the battle as usual, letting the Mew take down the opposing Rattata with a Megapunch. When I got out of the battle, I was surprised to see Mew had taken Wildfire's place behind my character. I went back to my team, figuring I'd just move Mew back... But Mew was still at the back of my group and Wildfire was still in the lead.

I looked at the screen confusedly, wondering how on Earth a scheduled event had messed the programming up like this. I sighed, deciding that perhaps it could be fixed by turning the DS off and back on without saving... But I decided I needed to make absolutely sure that something was wrong. I went ahead and traveled through the grass, Mew floating along behind me like a ghost. The next three battles were exactly the same, Mew taking Wildfire's place and the text box with "MEW wants to battle!" coming up.

So I decided to restart the DS, and with some hesitation went ahead and did so without saving. The game started up as normal but when I pressed start it put me right back into the game, right where I had been when I had switched the system off. My character turned to the Mew of its own accord and I heard the Mew's cry, a heart appearing above its head. Normally I might have been charmed by this and found it cute, but considering what was going on I was just freaked out.

A text box appears saying "MEW wants to serve you!", which is something I'm sure should not exist. I started to walk off, going on into Goldenrod to take care of Whitney (yeah, I wasn't too far, go ahead and laugh). I made sure Wildfire was in first place, despite the fact my Quilava was not following me. I went ahead and challenged her, Wildfire coming up much to my relief... But then a sort of distressed and distorted cry played and Wildfire was replaced by Mew.

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