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(Contains abuse and rape. If you are sensitive to that topic. I would suggest moving onto the next story.)

A little girl sat in her room. Her messy brown hair was up in pigtails, as her hazel eyes stared at the door. She hugged her stuffed giraffe to her little body, and listened closely to the loud yells of her father and mother.

"I never should have had any damn kids!" Screaming loud deep voices. "All they do is make messes, complain, draw on the walls-" He was cut off by the high angered yells of the girl's mother.

"They're CHILDREN David! They don't know any better!"

"Oh fuck me, Marybeth! I DON'T want to hear your bullshit excuses! I've had about just enough of them!"

"And what do you plan to do about it?!"

The girl heard loud footsteps coming towards her room, and hugged her giraffe closer. The door was violently opened and in the doorway stood her large, angry, overweight father. In one of his meaty hands, he held a large textbook.

"David, stop it!" screamed her mother.

But the father ignored his wife's pleading cries. He grabbed the little girl by the collar, and she screamed and kicked, trembling and shaking in fear. The girl's father harshly held up the textbook.

"This is for drawing on my fucking walls, you little bitch!"

Years later, the little girl, known as Natalie, was now nine years old. Going through the stages of puberty, she was naturally a little chubby. Like usual she sat in her room watching TV. Her dad was ranting on about some economic crap that she could really give less than a shit about, as she munched on some popcorn. She was also currently drawing a picture. There was a bit of gore in it, but strangely, she really likes drawing blood. It gave her a weird satisfaction. Other than that, multitasking was no problem for her. It became apparent to her at a young age, after having to do so much hard work and labor, that she was able to do so many things at once. Drawing ended up being her talent and passion. It was her way from escaping reality, whenever something bad would rear its ugly head and peer in, or when she was simply bored.

She suddenly heard the closing of her door, and looked to the left, pausing on munching on her popcorn. There stood her brother Lucas, who was fourteen years old.

"What is it?" She could still hear her father's yelling from outside the door.

"Dad scaring you?" He let out a chuckle.

"No way. I think we both are used to his yelling by now." There was a long pause. "So, why are you in here?" He seemed to play with his sleeves slightly, and twitched a bit.

"I have to ask you something..." He trained his eyes on her. She frowned slightly, growing impatient with her brother interrupting her movie and drawing.


He moved a little closer. "You said you wanted to be cool, and grow up like a teenager, right?"

She nodded, suddenly slightly brightening up.

"Well, I have an offer."

"Just spit it out you dimwit!"

"...You know what... what guys and girls do together sometimes, right..?"

The next day at school, Natalie did not say a word. She did not speak for the whole day. She didn't have anyone to speak to anyways. Nobody could know. Nobody should know. And so, nobody would know. Her teacher picked up a few of her puzzled expressions, but she dismissed it as she just did not understand the lesson. Natalie also felt as if she was in severe pain. She had no idea it could..hurt. Feeling scared, she walked home and silently went to her room. But later in the day, she was once again greeted by her brother.

Creepypasta Collection Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang