:S/O That Likes To Be Pampered

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For: Mkglanzreich

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For: Mkglanzreich

*Pampering* can be interpreted however you like. These answers are neutral as pampering can cover many things.

Will pamper you, but will most likely want some pampering in return: Scout, Soldier

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Will pamper you, but will most likely want some pampering in return: Scout, Soldier

Doesn't need to be told, will pamper you whenever they like: Pyro, Demoman, Engie, Heavy

Aren't good at pampering someone, will not expect anything in return: Medic, Sniper, Spy

Aren't good at pampering someone, will not expect anything in return: Medic, Sniper, Spy

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He's a little bit clueless at first, as he hardly looks after himself, he certainly doesn't know the right ways of caring for and pampering another. So long as you tell him just how you want to be pampered, Scout will do most things. It's quite a change to seem him so relaxed as he pampers you, considering his hyperactive nature. Overtime, Scout has a natural habit with many physical forms of pampering you. It becomes much like a term of affection from then on, and he secretly wishes you would pamper him.


He doesn't entirely know what the meaning of pampering another is, so you may have to teach him a few things. But give it time, Soldier will pick up on things quickly, and you'll be surprised to learn that he too can be gentle. He can be quite cautious, nervous even, wondering if he's doing certain things right, whether you're satisfied. So in the beginning he's wary, but as long as you reassure him, he smiles and his worry disappears.


He is one to be very affectionate, so pampering you comes easy. But truthfully, Pyro doesn't quite understand the term pampering, as opposed to being affectionate with plenty cuddles and kisses. He is one that may need some teaching, but it seems like he's done this sort of thing before. He loves to look after, and care for you. He forgets his own needs, and instead tends to you to keep you happy.


You like being pampered? Say no more! He will pamper you like crazy. As he's naturally caring and rather affectionate, pampering you comes often, and usually without you needing to ask. After all, he is used to caring for another (his mother), it's almost like his soul purpose to care for someone. Demo treats you well, and so long as you're happy, he's happy.


He's used to caring for others (his sisters, and mother especially), but when it comes to pampering you as a term of affection he's not used to it. His way of 'pampering' you is rather domestic, but needless to say, it's utterly heartfelt. Like when he urges you to do whatever you like that day, and let him tend to your usual responsibilities, that's his way of pampering you.


He will pamper you whenever he pleases, you don't even need to tell him that you like being pampered every now and then, Engie does it like it comes natural to take sweet care of you for a while. He enjoys giving you his full attention for a while, after all, it gives him a break from working. He's very much like Demo and Heavy; he's utterly heartfelt and smiles so long as you're smiling.


He makes time for you between his job, but he initially doesn't quite know how to pamper you, though depending on what sort of pampering you want. He takes note of how you like to be well-treated and you become the centre of his affections for a while, but secretely he wants some pampering in favour.


Pampering you is awkward for him. Will a cuddle session not suffice? He might be up for a little domestic pampering, like letting you rest while he takes care of some things you would normally do, but he doesn't always do the best job and you'll end up doing it anyways. He's not brilliant at caring for others domestically, but can be very affectionate. You may have to settle for a good rest in his camper with plenty hugs and kisses.


Spy will pamper you with gifts. Whatever it is you could want, Spy will try his hardest to make it possible for you. Physical pampering isn't his strong point, in fact he's clueless. Instead, he will share a bottle of wine with you while in his smoking room together and call it "pampering". To make up for the lack of domestic affection, Spy uses gift-giving as a term of endearment, and a way of keeping you happy. 

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