The end of the line

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


While Leo was speaking with the arrangements to the merchants, Shiki, Reika, Captain and Law was waiting by the harbor.

"Are you sure you're alright to leave?" Shiki asked, looking concerned.

Reika let out a huff, "I'm fine, plus," while she glared at Law, Shiki was nonchalantly getting her to wear her favourite coat (the one Reika got her), lifting the hood up to shield her red hair, "I don't want to stay on board with him." she gestured to Law with her chin.

A smug smirk fitted across the Pirate Captain's face, "It'll be nice to have someone like you off my ship." he adjusted his nodachi on his shoulder, "I don't need you to keep wasting my sup-"

"Law." Shiki let out a warning tone, gold eyes slightly narrowed at him, scolding.

Smirked wiped off and replaced by a frown as Law looked away with a click of his tongue.

"Reika, be careful now, you have a bounty on your head and you still can't fly yet if something were to happen..." Shiki slowly frowned as she listed the dangers of her friend leaving all alone, "... I think I'll go with you after all." she made a move to step closer to her.

Only for someone to prevent her from moving as the sudden weight on her head tightened its grip on her.

"Shiki-ya." Law's own warning tone pierced through the air, glaring at the girl while he was inevitably being glared at by the red head. The black kitten climbed up the side of his human, reaching her shoulder and began batting away the offensive hand on his human's head.

A losing battle Law was having.

At that moment, Leo came back in a light jog, "Okay, I talked to the guys and you're all set." he grinned, happy that he was successful with the negotiation.

"I suggest you go now, your ship is preparing to leave." Law smooth voice ordered with a forceful tone underlining it, tugging Shiki back to his side.

Reika glared at him before ignoring him and giving Shiki one last hug, squeezing her tightly, "See you soon?" she whispered quietly, quiet enough that the others could't hear.

Returning the hug, Shiki buried her face in her shoulder, "Hopefully." she mumbled back just as quietly.

The red head frowned but inwardly shook it off, pulling back, a smile was on her face, "I need to go now." she then turned to Leo with a smile, "Thanks for looking after Shiki here."

The blonde blinked at receiving a smile but quickly dash the surprise away, "No problem." he grinned.

Reika huffed with a smile, ignoring Law, she bent down and scratched behind Captain's ear before boarding on the merchant's ship.


As they watched the zoan user leave with the merchants, the three and Captain headed back to the submarine.

Leo scratched the back of his head, unsure what to do, it was only 4 in the morning, the sun was barely up, "Well... I guess I'll get a head start on the preparations for breakfast." he said, turning back to the sub, "Ahh, anything specific you want?" he asked just before leaving.

Law adjusted his nodachi, "Just brew up some coffee in the meantime."

"Alright." the assistant chef nodded before turning to Shiki.

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