Marines Vs Pirates

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


"Shiki-chujo, breakfast is ready." Leo knocked on her door, dressed in a white boiler suit- the one that was meant to be altered to Shiki's size but 'unfortunately' Penguin and Shachi never got around to doing it.

Last night at dinner, it was decided that Leo would take over Shiki's kitchen duties since he insisted. Shiki didn't really mind that he took over her job since Leo knew what kind of food she likes. And now that he took over her job, Shiki has more time to fix things between her and Captain.

As Leo finished making breakfast with Ren, he decided to go wake his ex-superior up since almost everyone was awake, only a few were missing.

Just as the door opened, Leo put on a big smile, ready to greet Shiki .

"Shi-" he started off, only to freeze on the spot when the door was fully swung open, "I'M SORRY!" Leo apologized abruptly, quickly shutting his eyes, his face reddening. He didn't even notice the square hole where her heart was supposed to be, "I-I didn't know you were changing."

Shiki blinked at his behavior and couldn't help but find it... dare she say it, amusing in her mind. 

She hasn't seen him this flustered since his trainee days, back when they first met and when he was a bit shy. She leaned against the door frame in only her dark jeans and stilettos, and instead of her tank top, was her black silk bra showing.

"What have I said about the 'chujo'." she reminded, watching as Leo covered his face out of embarrassment.

"T-T-To not c-call you that." he stuttered out, voice cracking out of embarrassment. She was always dressed by this time of the day, so he was caught off guard by this.

"And what do you call me now?" she tilted her head, crossing her arms. She never knew watching one of her ex-marine soldier was this... amusing. She had watched him mature over the years and had never seen this part of him again. Not even when he would come into her room/office in the middle of the night for a drink.

"S-Sh-Shiki..." he strained out, trying not to add 'chujo' to her name. It was a habit to call her 'Shiki-chujo', having said it over the years. But to stop now? That was just weird.

Shiki waited for him to fail, but she guessed that she might have broke him if the steam coming from his head was any indication.

"" he whispered defeatedly, slowly slumping to the ground, his arms covering his head. Both not hearing footsteps coming.

She blinked. Maybe she didn't break him. Crouching down, she leaned her chin on her propped arm, the other ruffling his large spiky hair. 

"What are you two doing?" an irritated tone sounded from above them.

Shiki blinked and looked up to see Law towering over them with a scowl on his face.

She stood up while Leo continued to stay crouched on the floor with his arms covering his head, "Morning, Law." she greeted, placing one hand on the door handle behind her and pulling it towards her, making sure he couldn't see inside.

Law glanced at Leo and saw the tips of his ears were red before staring at Shiki with narrowed eyes, "Put some clothes on." he ordered, watching her slip between the gap to her room, closing the door shut.

Breathing  through his mouth, Law let out a sigh as he stared at his newest subordinate, "Leo-ya, go to breakfast." he ordered.

Leo stiffly stood up and nodded, his head still down as he walked off.

Death can't have herTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon