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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.  

While the two ex-marines headed toward the only bar left standing on the island, Leo started the one sided conversation, talking about whatever that came to mind while Shiki listened and once in a while, gave a response.

Leo didn't mind it, not one bit. He knew she was listening, she just wasn't the type to talk, however, she would respond back with an honest answer, which he found relieving since Shiki had not once ever said that she found their conversations boring.

As they walked on their clear path, away from the townspeople, Shiki was about to reply to Leo's query about which type of wine was better when suddenly she was bumped against the shoulder by someone.

Tilting her head to apologize, Shiki raised a brow when saw no one in a ten center meter radius that could have made contact with her.

Just as she was about to shrug it off, she got a glimpse of white hair in the corner of her eye, causing her to halt in her step. It was the same colour as his hair and Shiki could never forget something pretty.

"Shiki?" Leo called her from a few steps ahead, standing in front of a wooden building with neon lights blinking on the sign placed on the front of the establishment. He waited as Shiki seemed to be contemplating something in her mind.

Shaking the thought away, Shiki faced back to the front with a skeptical frown, "Nothing." she grumbled, starting forward, "I thought I saw someone I know." she explained, catching up to him in a couple of strides. She was just imagining things, she didn't even sense his presence after all, so there was no way it was him, "Let's go." she entered the establishment with Leo following.


As groups were beginning to finish their jobs, it seems that they all ended up in a bar which seemed to be the only one in the town. Fortunately for the Heart Pirates, they were blessed to have landed themselves in a hooker's bar where women wearing furred tube tops and booty shorts strutting around in high heels, even in this cold weather, served them drinks.

Having the message be relayed to him, Law and his group headed to the bar after having finished up with their business around town, ignoring the weary citizens that gave them subtle glances whenever the pirate captain, polar bear and a giant walked passed them, yet, kept their ears open just in case any interesting news came out.

There were some strangely dressed people that they noticed, but ignored them as they passed a group of men in red cloaks following a blue cloak.

Walking into the appointed bar with poor lighting, Law could already see some of his men drinking and flirting with the waitresses in the skimpy attire. Sweeping his gaze across the room, he couldn't help but blink at the sight he was witnessing.

In a wide booth that arched around the round wooden table that was already served with drinks and steaming dishes. Leo was surrounded with women that was already flirting with him but that wasn't the strange bit. What befuddled Law was the woman, a few seats away, being surrounded with two smitten waitresses who were catering to her like a king.

"Would you like some more wine, Shiki-sama?" one feminine looking blond smiled, offering to pour more wine in Shiki's half empty glass.

A brunette butted in, showing a plate of perfectly sliced apples in front of Shiki, "No. Try these apples, it's the freshest ones we have in the town" she smile brightly, showing off her pearly whites.

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