Just because

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


Returning back to the sub, Shiki landed on the deck and ran towards the entrance, quickly heading towards her room.

Running pass the gallery, she didn't realize that she ran by Leo who had a tray of tea and a cloth dipped in ice cold bowl of water.

"Shiki?" he called out but received no answer as Shiki reached the end of the hall and turned round the corner.

Smiling a hopeless smile, the blonde headed back to the kitchen to retrieve an ice pack before following in the direction his ex-superior was heading.


Opening the door to her room, Shiki breathed deeply, trying to catch her breath as she entered her room, coming to kneel beside her bed where Reika and Captain was sleeping.

Leaning back against the edge, Shiki plopped herself down on the spot, relieved that her friend was sleeping and relaxed. She leaned her head back on the edge of the bed, lifting a hand up to caress the bruise on her forehead, slightly wincing.

Reika didn't hold back when she headbutted her.

"Knock knock." Leo's voice entered the room.

Shiki blinked and turn her gaze to the closed eyed smiling blonde, standing by the open door she left open.

"Come in." she responded in turn.

Walking in, Leo balanced the tray with one hand as he handed her a small bag of ice, "Here." he placed it on the bruise on her forehead, letting go when she took a hold of it with her left hand, before placing the tray down on the bedside table.

He blinked when he saw the romance novel he had given her and couldn't help but smile, "Did you finish the novel?" he asked, placing the tray down and grabbed the slightly freezing cloth from the bowl, moving over to the sleeping red head.

"I finally finished it just recently." she replied, tilting her head to watch him softly push away her friend's fringe and delicately placed the cloth over her forehead, "The ending was pretty boring and unrealistic."

Leo let out a hum, going back to the tray and pouring him and Shiki a cup of tea, "Really?"

"The main character got together with her love interest after a series of event that made them be together," she said with a bored face, grabbing the cup she was offered, "making them both realize they love each other, then they lived happily ever after." she stated, taking a whiff of the lovely aroma of milk tea, "The ending was kind of disappointing."

The amethyst man let out a small laugh, taking a seat beside her, "Should I get you another book?" he offered before taking a sip.

"No need." she casually replied, taking a sip from her own cup. The tea was quite good-not as good as red wine, but good.

Silence fell between the two as Leo contemplated of what he wanted to say as he glanced at Reika, then Shiki. He swallowed his tea, attempting his first try, "I... I never thought Reika-san would headbutt you or even inflict violence on you considering how much she dotes on you." he chuckled sheepishly, "It really was a surprise to see her hurt you."

"I did something really stupid for her to resort to that." she stated, the ice pack dropped to her lap. She picked it up and placed it aside.

Blinking, Leo, raised a brow, "Like what?" he raised his cup, sipping at the warm liquid.

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