Punishments are getting underrated these days

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 Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


Since her punishment started right after breakfast, Shiki made a head start on Captain's breakfast, wanting the kitten to be fed and well rested while she followed Law around all day.

It was 4:30 when Shiki peeked her head around her door with Captain laying on her head, seemingly comfortable on it.

With the coast clear and no living presence walking about, Shiki headed straight for the kitchen, opening the fridge to stare at all the ingredients they had.

"Captain, what do you want to eat?" she asked the kitten, staring at the meat, fish and vegetables, all stored neatly.

Captain lifted his head up with a bored look on his furry face, looking down at his human.

"Meat?" she tried first, maybe he wanted something new.

No reply.



"So fish?"

"Meow." Captain nodded in approval, his half-lidded eyes gazed up at the meat section. Maybe he should try them next time.

Shiki nodded and took some salmon in her hands, staring at it.

Captain peered over her head, trying to see what was wrong with his human.

"Raw salmon?"

"Meow." Captain nodded as well as Shiki.

She got up and closed the fridge's door, walking over to the kitchen counter, she took out a chopping board and place the slab of salmon down, getting a knife to cut it in half. Once done, she placed the remaining fish back into the fridge and placed the other piece onto a plate and headed to the gallery, grabbing an apple on the way.

As soon as Shiki placed the plate of salmon down, Captain leaped of her head and began stuffing his furry cheeks.

Shiki settled down in front of her kitten, biting into her apple as she thought of what to do in her free time. They weren't submerged so she couldn't see the colourful sea life the underwater world had to offer, Jambarl and Bepo wasn't on duty and there wasn't much she could do.

Her eyes trailed over to Captain who was almost finished with his breakfast, bits of salmon stuck on his black fur.

When was the last time the kitten had a shower?

Finishing her apple, Shiki stood up, just as Captain finished. Putting his empty plate away and disposing her apple core, Shiki led Captain out of the room. With Captain trailing beside her, Shiki led them to the showers, lifting the kitten up towards the set of shampoos once they entered the room.

"Meow." Captain cried out lazily, wanting to know why he was here.

"You need a shower." Shiki stated, "Now which one do you want to smell as?" she moved the kitten towards each bottle and when she moved him towards 'Manly Man!', Captain turned his head away as if saying that such a thing was ridiculous. When she moved him in front of the mint scented shampoo, Captain gave a small cry of approval.

Gently setting the kitten down, Shiki turned on the shower tap on to a spray and squirted the shampoo bottle on her palm.

She squatted down and held her clean palm out to Captain, gesturing him to come over.

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