Shoot me

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


"Trafalgar Law, can I join your crew?" Leo asked, smiling at the pirate captain while trying to keep his cool on as Shiki bore her eye at him, the intensity of it was beginning to faze him a bit.

"What makes you think I want you in my crew?" Law frowned, not wanting to deal with this. First the hawk woman and now this.

"Le-" Shiki stopped herself, Leo wasn't her subordinate anymore, she had no right to order him around. 

"I don't." he laughed, "But I can prove to you my worth." he challenged, "I'm great with a rifle."

Law stared at him before staring at Shiki from the corner of his eye and saw she was displeased with the whole thing. Deep inside, he was tempted to see what would happen if he let the boy join, yet another part of him didn't due to unclear reasons.

As moments pass, Shiki let out a huff. Leo could be as stubborn as he want to and could even get into trouble because of it, but he could also clean up his messes. Yet, she knew he wasn't going to give up the idea of joining the Heart Pirates.

"Law, he really will be a great addition to the crew." she frowned, pursing her lips together in a tight line.

Leo couldn't help but smile sheepishly at the 'praise' she gave him, even if Shiki was backing him up with a frown.

Staring between the two of them, Law couldn't help but sigh, taking Shiki's word for it. It wouldn't hurt to have an extra addition to the crew.

Better than having a certain zoan user join.

"I'll need you to prove it." Law stood up from his seat, drawing his crew's attention.

"Captain?" Bepo asked, standing up as well, going to stand next to him but paused when he realized that he had to get pass Leo who was blocking the way.

"I'm sorry." Bepo apologized, causing Leo to dismiss it and stand up, getting out of the way.

Penguin and Shachi decided to come over at that moment.

"Hey, Captain, what's going on?" Shachi asked, staring at Leo with a hand on his chin. Now that he really concentrated on him, he could faintly recognize the guy.

"Leo-ya over here wants to join our crew. He just have to prove it."

"Really?" Penguin asked, surprised, but didn't question it, if his Captain wanted a new recruit then he wouldn't question it.

"Yes, tomorrow afternoon, that's when the log pose sets." Law stated before handing his nodachi to Bepo.

Shiki stood up as well, following after Law by a close distance, leaving Leo in a room full of pirates.


Huffing and panting, Kyle swiped the sweat off his chin, looking left and right for any signs of his Captain or any signs of the woman with any of his friends. All day long he had been looking for Law when he couldn't find him after breakfast.

"Damn it, I swear, if that bitch is with Captain, I'm gonna..." he mumbled, walking into the bar he had heard about from the others.

"Hey Kyle, where have you been?" Penguin called out from his seat in front of Leo.

Shachi turned his head from his spot next to Leo, "Haven't seen you all day. What have you been up to?"

Kyle raised a brow at the blonde stranger, squinting his eyes. He walked over to the group with a confused expression.

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