Trying out new weapons

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


As soon as breakfast was over, Law retrieved back to his room in order to read his newly acquired medical books, getting some reading done.

And to avoid the red haired zone user.

With the gallery slowly being emptied out with a few lingering pirates chatting, Shiki and Reika hung around for a bit, telling each other stories of their individual trip so far.

The two cooks were finishing up with the dishes when Reika stood up to stretch out her limbs.

"Now that we're finished, why don't you show me around?" Reika smiled, swinging her arms behind her back.

Shiki blinked before tilting her head with a thoughtful look to which Reika patiently waited.

Coming to a solution, Shiki looked over to the kitchen window, "Leo." she called out, gaining his attention.

"Yes?" he peeked out from the window, smiling politely.

"Can you show Reika around?" she asked, pushing up from her seat.

Leo looked over his shoulder, a eager look in his amethyst eyes, "Do you still need any help?" he asked Ren who was beginning to prepare for lunch.

Ren shook his head, waving him off after giving him a glance, "I'm fine, go ahead." he didn't mind, he was just gonna try out a new recipe now.

Seeing his approval, Leo took off his apron and headed to the two awaiting girls, "Shall we?" he grinned.

Shiki nodded, taking Captain in her arms.


Touring the submarine, Shiki absentmindedly followed along her friends while gently scratching the top of Captain's purring head.

She watched as Leo showed the place around to Reika with ease.

Unlike her, it seemed that the blonde had explored the whole place and even remembered them while she only remembered a few places on board.

She didn't even know that there was a whole room just for the sub's engine on the bottom level.

When Leo showed them to the Control Room, Shiki gave Jambarl and Bepo a brief greeting (giving Bepo a quick hug) before moving on with the tour.

Going to a different level, Leo showed them the Heart pirate's weapons room to which promoted Reika to ask Shiki a question.

"Do you want to try using a different weapon or stick with the scythe?" she asked, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall next to the weapons room.

Shiki thought about it. The only reason why she was using the scythe was because it was the most compatible with her, the others... She buried her face into Captain's furry head, getting a 'meow' from him.

Seeing her friend think about it, Reika gave a knowing smile. Turning towards the patient blonde, smile still in place, she gestured a dainty finger towards him, "Could you get weapons where you swing with them?" 

Nodding, Leo happily obliged and entered the room, gathering any weapons that can be held, excluding firearms. He came out of the room as soon as he gathered everything he could carry, "I'm guessing our next stop is the training room." he grinned.

"Of course." the red haired woman nodded, grinning as she poked Shiki's cheek to get her to look up from the kitten's fur. She chuckled when her friend responded, "Come on, you're gonna try using different weapons again."

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