The final performance

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


As they continued on, Kyle, who was running in front, stopped all of a sudden, causing the to quickly stop, else they crash.

"Hey, why you stop all of a sudden?" Shachi complained.

"Something is coming?"


He was right, as soon as they stopped talking, they could hear running footsteps coming at them.

"You think its more enemies?" Ren asked, gulping down his nerves, by the sound of it, it seemed they would be facing a small army.

Nobody answered as they placed a hand on their weapon, ready to whip it out in case it was.

Behind them all, Shiki placed her hand on the rifle Leo took out and pushed it down.


"They're coming!" Kyle yelled out as the running footsteps became louder and louder.

Soon, they were able to make a silhouette of the group as they stood there with tense muscles.

Staring closely, Ren could see someone familiar, "Wait, that's-"

"Bepo and Jambarl!" the group shouted.

From across the hall was Bepo, Jambarl and a group of people running towards them.

Hearing their names, Bepo perked up, his face lit up with joy, "Guys!".

The group stopped in front of them while the citizens looks confused and slightly scared, especially Shiki's appearance.

There were plenty of blood on her and her large scythe didn't help calm them down.

"What's with the collar?" Shachi asked, staring at it with a hand on his chin.

"And what's with your fur?" Penguin added when he noticed the extra volume of the bear's fur.

"They were so mean, they put this collar on us when we were unconscious and every time we do something wrong, they would shock us!" Bepo huffed, flailing his arms about.

Ren then pointed out the people hiding behind the two, "And who are these people?"

Bepo blinked as if realizing they weren't alone, "Oh, these are the people who went missing in town, and got kidnapped, just like us."

As Bepo explained what happened to them, Shiki walked over to Jambarl, tilting her head to stare up at him. The giant looked to be out of it and was slightly sweating.

"Jambarl?" she called out, it took a while for him to respond and only then, she received a grunt from him, "Are you okay?"

"Just... a bit tired." he replied in that deep voice of his.

It looked like he could collapse at any moment in Shiki's eyes. She then trailed her gaze towards the collar of his neck, "Will this one explode?" she asked as the last time she saw a collar on him was at Sabaody Archipelago, sitting in front of the Human Auction.

He shook his head, too tired to speak now.

"Then..." she lifted her scythe off her shoulder, causing confusion to appear from the people around her, "I'm taking it off now." she told him, quickly swinging her scythe up with a focused gaze and keen precision before bringing it down again in one quick motion.

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