4 - Yokohama Gangster Paradise (Part 2)

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"Already?" You hissed.

"Yes!" Dazai urged, unlocking the door to your shared apartment. "Get whatever you need, those three might get themselves killed!"

"Who knew that you of all people could care for your subordinates," you muttered dryly, grabbing your trusty gun as well as a small flashlight. "Alright, let's go."

With that, the two of you jogged in the direction to where Dazai had pinpointed their location, trying to keep both of yourselves concealed for as long as you could.

"We won't get there before Akutagawa, and if he's sent this Higuchi lady alone, she must be able to hold her own," Dazai huffed. 

"His motive will be to capture Atsushi alive, and Tanizaki is smart enough to use Light Snow as cover," you added. "Still, I doubt any of them will manage to escape unscathed."

"C'mon, up here," Dazai urged, sending you up a ladder.

The two of you crouched on top of a building which overlooked the alleyway your coworkers were in, both waiting for the right time to attack. Just as the two of you predicted, Tanizaki and Naomi were both covered in their own blood, lying on the floor, immoblised. It seemed as if both were still alive, thankfully, but it was still a shock. Akutagawa was present as well, Rashomon posed to attack.

"My Rashomon is something of a Gourmand," Akutagawa coughed out. "It eats through all in its path. If you resist, your leg will be next."

Just then, Tanizaki caught your eyes from below. You held your fingers up to your lips in a shushing motion, and just like that, were covered by his Light Snow. Of course, the two of you still had to be silent, for Light Snow only created visual illusions, and didn't have the capability to overwrite sound.

"At..sushi...kun," Tanizaki croaked out. "Run... away.."

And run he did.

Only in the wrong direction, like an idiot.

He ran straight into Akutagawa, who wasted no time in using Rashomon to try and bite off Atsushi's leg. After all, if there was one thing you knew about him, over the years of interacting with him, it's that he was a man of his word. Surprisingly, Atsushi managed to dodge by sliding beneath Rashomon, and pocketed Akutagawa's gun. The boy was quick to stand once more, and shot Akutagawa right into the center of his back.

"You know, I blame you for these attacks never working on him," you whispered, voice hoarse.

Dazai could only nod in response, unable to force any words out. When it came to Akutagawa, the two of you could never see eye to eye, that much was obvious. You could only hope that the situation wouldn't repeat in Atsushi's case, for that would likely tear you apart once and for all.

"That was a very impressive move," Akutagawa praised. "But it was still the reckless flailing of a fool. I believe I told you, my black beast eats through all it encounters... even if that something is space itself."

Atsushi gasped, taking a step back in fear.

"I had it consume a fraction of space between the barrel of the gun and my back," Akutagawa continued, taking a step forward. "Neither a spear nor pure fire inflicts harm if the space it occupies does not exist."

"Wha..?" Atsushi gaped, realising one crucial detail.

There would be no way of attacking him and winning, unless one got him so exhausted that his reflexes slowed down considerably. Of course, Atsushi likely didn't have that kind of stamina, meaning the only remaining solution was to outsmart him. But he was a rookie, while the demon opposite him was someone even Kunikida feared.

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