25 - Sunday Tragedy (Part 2)

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"I- I'll come back to the mafia. As your right hand," you choked out, clenching your fists.

Mori blinked, a silence overtaking the room.

Suddenly, he laughed into his fist, trying his best to hide his smile of victory.

"So, you're ready to come back if it means your friends can survive," he hummed. "How about I get another Agency worker as well? After all, I'm doing both you and Fukuzawa-Dono a favour, hm?"

"I refuse to wager the lives of others," you spat out.

"No worries, I will ask him myself," Mori beamed, clapping his hands.

An assistant entered the room, a small box in his hands. The man handed you the box, which you instantly distanced from as a safety precaution.

"Your uniform, one you were supposed to receive the day after your last mission," Mori explained. "Judging by your size, those measurements should still be the same. Do wear it, I don't need the next in line for Boss to look like a mess."

"After that, we leave," you demanded.

"Once Fukuzawa-Dono gives me the confirmation, yes," Mori nodded. "Chuuya-kun, do show her to your apartment. The two of you wouldn't mind sharing until I can get her a vacant one, yes?"

"Alright, Boss," Chuuya nodded, albeit hesitantly. "Let's go, then."

You followed him out, trudging next to him, thoughts running through your mind at a million miles per hour.

"How'd you end up getting out of the novel?" You asked.

"Shut up, I'm still mad at you for that," Chuuya glared. "That scheme had your name written all over it."

"Think about it this way, the Agency fears you enough to want to target you," you shrugged.

"Whatever," Chuuya scoffed, unlocking his door. "There's the bathroom."

You nodded, and slipped into the small room, taking off your Agency uniform. Your attire consisted of a simply white button-up and black flared trousers, mostly for the comfort. Should you get cold, you always had a red pullover on hand. It was less flashy, and more for the functionality. But in a situation where you didn't need to fight that often, you could be as flashy as you wanted, hence why the executives constantly looked like they were going to a fashion show while the rest of the mafia looked like they'd woken up on the streets.

However, when Mori said 'put together', you didn't think he'd mean.... this.

Your new uniform consisted of a white flowy blouse, a red corset, black slacks and red heels. As always, one of his older coats was neatly folded in the box as well. To match all of it, Mori changed your jewellery from what used to be silver with turquoise stones, to silver with rubies in them instead. You hesitantly slipped everything on, until you found a few smaller things at the bottom of the box.

'Happy 19th Birthday, L/N-kun. Elise-chan picked out the clothes, she hopes you like it.

- Mori Ougai'

Beneath the note was a small makeup kit as well, all of which was designed to go with your overall colour theme.

"Did you die in there or something?" Chuuya called, gently knocking on the door.

"No just..." you trailed off.

Sighing, you opened the door, finding your entire getup extremely out of place in comparison to the clothes you usually wore.

"Sorry, can you tie the back of this?" You requested, coming out of your trance.

"Can't believe the Boss gave you heels," Chuuya grumbled, tying up your corset. "Makes our height difference look even more ridiculous."

N. Chuuya X Fem! Reader: The Territory of GravityOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz