11 - The Strategy of Conflict

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"What the hell happened?" You gaped, seeing all your coworkers half asleep.

"They got into a fight against the mafia and some guild members," Yosano explained.

"Did we get any hostages?" You asked. "Osamu and I can interrogate them."

"Yes, she's in the infirmary, she hasn't woken yet," Yosano informed, trudging off.

The two of you nodded and headed into the infirmary and sat by her bed, waiting for her to wake up. Dazai sat on her right side, so that he would be the first that she saw, while you sat on her life, so that she would need to crane her neck to see you. It wasn't long before she awoke, her eyes falling on Dazai before glancing behind him to see Atsushi.

"Why, hello there, Ane-San," Dazai smiled. "It's been quite a while!"

".... You thought these restraints would be enough to hold me?" Kouyou glared.

"Oh, surely not!" Dazai grinned. "That's why N/N-chan and I are watching you! You remember N/N-chan, right?"

"It may have been a while, but I wouldn't forget my own boss," Kouyou snickered. "You traitors. Each one of us wants your heads, you realise?"

"Tell them to get in line," Dazai smirked.

"Whelp," Kouyou began, adressing Atsushi. "Is Kyouka safe?"

"She's gone missing!" Atsushi snapped. "And it's your fault!"

Kouyou immediately laughed for some reason, which only enraged Atsushi further. He transformed is arm into that of the tiger's and lunged towards the bed she lay on. You flicked your index finger, drawing up a shield so that he couldn't get past it no matter what. At the same time, Dazai nullified his ability, and sent Atsushi out.

"We'll handle it, kid," you sighed.

"Not to be blunt, but war's about to break out," Dazai began, turning to Kouyou. "And you, as our Prisoner of War, have a big job to do for us, hm? Think you could tell me about what the mafia'a up to, and what their plans for the future are?"

"Have you forgotten the rules of the Mafia, boy?" Kouyou laughed. "Blabbing results in a death sentence."

"You had a dedicated team of tortures, didn't you, Ane-San?" You hummed. "But even then, there were a few iron-willed victims who simply wouldn't talk. Remember how we helped out then?"

"Has there ever been a prisoner who didn't talk when we asked the question?" Dazai smirked, locking the door and cracking his fingers. "Now, let's have some adult time."

It didn't take long for her to start talking, eventhough some useful information was hidden behinds walls of useless rambling. However, before long, the two of you were interrupted.

"Hey, Dazai!" Kunikida yelled from the other side, pounding on the door. "Boss says we have to switch base! Take the prisoner and get out!"

"Alright!" Dazai yelled back, handing Kouyou to you.

"Ane-San, this might hurt a bit," you informed, placing your index and middle fingers of your left hand against her temple.

An electric zap sounded as Kouyou gasped in pain. Suddenly, you were unable to see. The manipulation of light includes the purest form, something you realised when you were in life-threatening danger. By changing the course of light from her eyes, you ensured a foolproof method of temporary blindness. The only downside - you lost your eyesight for as long as your hostage did. Of course, Kouyou didn't know that, meaning Dazai and you could use her ignorance as leverage. Dazai guided the way to your new base, where the two of you brought Kouyou to a seperate room before undoing your ability on her.

N. Chuuya X Fem! Reader: The Territory of GravityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon