15.6 - Dazai, Chuuya, Aged Fifteen

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You snapped your phone shut, making sure to cover your eyes and ears as you waited for Dazai and Chuuya to arrive. They had been instructed to meet you at a nearby arcade, to pass the information on to you. While you knew exactly why the two of them were lumped together by Mori, you still thought it to be a bad idea, especially after the fit they threw that nearly caused you to join them.

Two figures walked past you, one with blue eyes nodding at you as they went over to the games.

A few moments later, you joined them.

"Talk me," you ordered. "What are we dealing with, and how do we get rid of it?"

"The slug thinks we should find Arahabaki immediately, I think we should wait and set a trap," Dazai explained. "Randou-San told us about the event eight years ago, how all his subordinates burnt. It wouldn't be advisable to rush in, especially if the force we're dealing with is a God."

"There is no such thing as God," you glared. "Osamu you're the lead detective on this case, I trust you to make the right decision. Just make sure you minimise civilian casualties. The longer you wait, the more people die because of you."

"We both know who the culprit is, this game was just to settle whose plan we're taking Y/N," Dazai shrugged.

"If you say so," you sighed, noting a smudge of blood on Dazai's face.

Frowning, you wiped it away, scanning him for any other wounds.

"GSS?" You asked, to which he nodded. "Figures. Should've called for backup as soon as you had opposition, I would've sent troops in."

"Don't look down on us bitch, I'm plenty powerful for the two of us," Chuuya snarled.

"Yet you only fight with your hands in your pockets," you retorted. "Don't you know basic etiquette to understand that that's condescending? What, too scared of your nails breaking?"

"Flashy kicks only slow you down, why corner yourself?" Dazai agreed.

"You don't need to know that," Chuuya choked out, voice low and raspy.

"Then let's change the question," Dazai smirked. "Why are you on the lookout for a God?"

You raised an eyebrow as Chuuya froze, and repeated the question for him, though he seemed too dazed to reply.

"Nakahara," you glared, snapping your fingers in front of his face. "Answer the damn question."

He turned around and hid his face with his hood, refusing to look at you.

"Don't call me by my name or talk to me until they're gone!" He hissed.

"They?" Dazai parroted, turning around, tracing your gaze to a group of three.

"Blue bracelets, it's the sheep," you mumbled. "We need to get out, we can't afford a fight in here."

"Would it really be bad if Chuuya met them?" Dazai asked.

"Under these circumstances?" Chuuya reminded.

Dazai was deep in thought for a few moments, before his eyes lit up, evidently an idea on his mind.

"Oi, Nakahara Chuuya-kun, we need to get back to work!" He called. "Or did you forget the boss's orders~?"

Though, before Chuuya had any time to react, the trio headed towards you.

"If I need to pull out my gun and ID because of your idiocy I will never forgive you," you snarled at Dazai, already prepared to fight.

"Chuuya! We finally found you, we've been looking for you!" A girl grinned.

"I'm glad you guys are safe," Chuuya nodded, keeping his composure as much as possible.

"What's going on here, Chuuya?" A silver haired boy asked. "Akira and Shougo have been captured by the mafia, haven't you heard?"

"Don't worry, the matter is being dealt with," Chuuya reassured. "All those who were captured will return home safely."

"Being dealt with... where?" The boy retorted. "There are rumours inside the organisation. How you've surrendered to the mafia, doing their errands. Let's go into their base and show them some real pain, like we always do!"

"Before that, what additional information have you gathered on Arahabaki," Chuuya glared.

"Investigations are still ongoing, but we didn't get far," the boy sighed. "It's all rumours, some don't have confirmations. Only few do."

"So when was the oldest confirmed rumour that did any damage?" Dazai asked.

The boy suddenly fixed his gaze on the two of you, scanning you meticulously.

"Who are these two?" The girl asked. "Are they joining?"

"Something like that," Chuuya mumbled, glaring at the two of you. "Answer their questions, would you?"

"Sure I guess," the boy sighed. "The oldest, concrete rumour that caused any damage was eight years ago, in Suribachigai. It was near-"

"The end of the Great War, I remember," you recalled.

"You were affected, huh?" The boy asked, sympathetic. "Arahabaki hadn't struck before that though. That's all the information we have."

"Just as I thought," Dazai hummed.

"Chuuya, are you sure this guy's gonna join us? You gotta consult the others before letting someone in, you're known for being tyrannical," the boy admitted.

"I know," Chuuya interrupted him in a low voice.

"In that case, fine. Everyone relies on you for your power, that's for sure," Chuuya's comrade sighed. "We need to make a rescue plan at once. Akira was kidnapped by the factory-"

"You went to the factory?" Chuuya yelled. "Did you try and steal booze again? In the midst of a conflict! And you know that's mafia territory, that's like asking to be abducted!"

Your eyes widened in recognition as they described the kid you'd taken in to interrogate, locking him away. He was lucky you weren't present, for you would've readily tortured the information out of him.

The two continued to argue as the boy accused Chuuya of being irresponsible, running away instead of standing by the Sheep when he was the only one with an ability. You glared at him, and Dazai's face remained unchanging.

"Interesting," Dazai applauded. "The battle enthusiast, Chuuya-kun, is like a sheep in the eyes of wolves. I'll have to pat Mori-San on the back later."

"Why you suicidal bastard..." Chuuya growled.

"You Sheep can't take Nakahara," you glared. "He's part of a joint investigation with the Port Mafia, and he's a key factor."

"You're lying, he wouldn't just give in to the mafia like that!" The girl protested, though broke down as soon as she saw Chuuya's solemn expression.

"Yeah," Chuuya nodded. "The boss is serious, he's smart. He's got surveillance on me as well, so there's no way of me escaping."

"Surveillance?" The boy questioned.

Chuuya pointed opposite him at Dazai, and the Sheep followed his gaze to where the brunette was sat. They immediately understood the situation and recoiled.

"This kid?" The silver haired boy hissed.

Eventhough they'd had a few run ins with the mafia before, this was the first time they were having a direct encounter with a subordinate.

"Pleasure," Dazai smirked.

"H-hey Chuuya, what are you just standing there for? This is a mafia monitor, you gotta kill him!" The boy panicked.

"Oh no, I'm so scared," Dazai yawned. "What will I ever do? Oh I know, I can get Mori-San to release the Sheep hostages!"

"He'll need my word for it, put him on speaker," you requested.

Mori snarled, answering the phone.

"Why hello to you too," you scoffed. "Release the hostages from the Sheep, it's investigation related."

'You're sure?'
He asked, and you hummed in agreement.

He shrugged and did as you requested, hanging up immediately afterwards.

"This is a joke, you're lying," the boy stammered, only to clamp his mouth shut when he got a message about everyone returning.

"What are you playing at?" Chuuya glared.

"Just proof of my friendship," Dazai smiled.

You looked down instantly, knowing that his relationship with Chuuya, even if they hated each other, wouldn't last long. Nothing did when it came to Dazai. He always got attached to the people who were bound to leave him.

The only difference with your relationship is that no matter how often you tried to convince yourself that you were friends, he just saw you as an authority figure. At the end of the day, the two of you only manipulated each other. There was no real bond, not like one that Chuuya and Dazai had after not even knowing each other for a day. The only bond the two of you shared was the previous Boss's death a year ago, a memory which had left you scarred for life.
Though you were happy that he'd made a friend, even if he'd only hurt himself by losing him in the process. He would at least be temporarily happy, perhaps even less suicidal.

"Let's go, we have work left to do," you sighed.

"Work? Chuuya doesn't do the Mafia's work, you don't have any more hostages," the silver haired boy snarked, tugging on Chuuya's arm. "Let's go, Chuuya. Everyone is waiting for you!"

However, Chuuya didn't move.

"Hey, Chuuya," the girl pressed.

"Sorry, you guys go on ahead," Chuuya mumbled.

"Huh? ... what are you saying?" The girl rambled nervously.

She was starting to get on your nerves with how clingy to the ginger she was. Sure, the Sheep were more of a family than the Port Mafia would ever be, but that didn't mean they had to do everything together like a flock of sheep. The ginger has every right to leave them, and they didn't need to ask questions.

"I'm going to catch this criminal," Chuuya decided, voice stone cold. "Arahabaki comes first. I made a bet with this guy that I'd catch him first. I can't lose."

"What? You bet?" The boy panicked. "What's with you, everyone's waiting for you to come back! Your counterattack technique is why we survived, we need you! You're seriously not using your ability for evil are you?"

"Alright this has gone too far," you sighed, cocking your gun. "Move the fuck away from him. He has the right to decide how and when to use his ability, he doesn't owe you shit. Just because he's the leader of your organisation doesn't mean he's the backbone. Everyone needs to contribute. Now step away."

"So you really did betray the sheep, all for a reward," the silver haired boy sniffed, stepping away.

"Put the gun down L/N," Chuuya ordered. "The mafia has nothing to do with this, it's a personal matter."

"Prove it," the boy rasped.

"It's impossible," Dazai scoffed, grabbing onto Chuuya's other arm, gently tugging him. "You will just have to believe him. He's your friend, isn't that enough? Come on... let's go."

As Dazai drew a reluctant Chuuya away, the trio realised it was useless to demand anything else.

Chuuya had a hard expression and didn't look back.

"You didn't have to do that, especially threaten them at gunpoint," Chuuya sighed.

"You're Osamu's friend right? That means I stick up for you," you shrugged, hands in your pockets.

You could hear the Sheep yell at the three of you, but you attempted to distract Chuuya from them, make sure he didn't focus on their words.

But eventhough he heard every single one of them, he didn't reply.

He silently left the Sheep without turning back. You could only hope that he wouldn't walk out on Dazai like that, especially after they'd gotten somewhat close.

You could only dream.

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