17.5 - Dead Apple

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"I'll help you," Kyoka offered.

"No!" Akutagawa yelled. "I had to wander many nights and slaughter many enemies to prove my might. But all those mea nothing. Who would have thought an opponent worthy of fighting and being defeated had been so close to me..."

"Don't do things to your own accord you bastard!" Atsushi snarled. "L/N-San, stop him!"

"Sorry," you mumbled, walking past him.

"Each one of us has something that needs to be done," Kyoka sighed, drawing out her knife. "Focus on what you need to do."

"Kyoka-chan!" Atsushi yelled, trying to grab her as she lunged in.

All four of you were quick to get split up, each one fighting against your own abilities. The figure which took the form of your ability glowed white from the light reflected by the moon. The only good thing that came out of this, was that she couldn't strengthen existing weapons like you could, forcing her to rely on her pure strength. Due to your lack of training, the pure strength in itself was extremely low, meaning she likely couldn't use powerful moves more than a few times.

You just had to ensure you stayed alive until then.

Suddenly, multiple street lamps burst, glass shattering everywhere.

She aimed a flare of light at one of these shards, the light bouncing off each one. Due to the shards travelling at snail's pace, in comparison to the speed of light itself, you were quickly trapped from all angles, unable to move as the light bounced from shard to shard. You grit your teeth and closed the distance, well aware that tricks of light wouldn't work well if you were right in front of her. You punched her in the nose, causing her to stumble back and instinctively reach for her face. Of course, this left her entire midrif open, which you exploited.

A swift kick to her stomach was enough for her to fall down, glaring up at you. As that happened, her shirt dipped slightly, revealing a ruby gem on the right side of her neck. You gasped slightly, your fingers travelling to the same place on your neck, where a familiar scar lay. That gem... you'd seen in on Demon Snow's forehead as well, and in both cases, it wasn't a part of your ability to begin with. You grit your teeth and gripped your gun tightly. Just as she was about to get up, you kicked her down again, causing her to briefly lose her orientation. With that, you pounced behind her, holding her neck tight against the muzzle of your gun.

The moment you pulled the trigger, the gem burst into millions of shards, and her figure faded away into your hands.

"Boss-Dono," you mumbled to yourself, flexing your hand. "Even in death you cause trouble for me, huh?"

You sighed and stood up, searching the area for Atsushi and Kyoka, who would be with each other. It wasn't long before you found them, with Atsushi being completely wounded as he sat on the floor.

"How come you haven't regenerated?" You asked, trudging up to him.

N. Chuuya X Fem! Reader: The Territory of GravityTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang