8 - Detective Boys

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"You've brought back more trouble for us, huh?" Kunikida sighed.

"Don't be an ass about it, Kunikida-kun," you glared, handing a phone to Atsushi. "This is the girl's old phone, the battery's been taken out."

"If only I'd noticed sooner," Atsushi groaned.

"Trust me when I say, there's nothing you could have done about this," you sighed. "I was late myself. She's a well-known assassin, a case file of mine that I hadn't been able to completely solve due to complications."

"She deceives the people with her looks and kills them," Kunikida added. "But she's made a name for herself much too quickly. Now that she's been seen, her arrest is only a matter of mine."

"But why..?" Atsushi rasped out. "It's the fault of the one controlling her ability."

"One's abilities may not always bring fortune to the owner," Kunikida reminded. "You know that all too well."

"She's awake," Yosano's voice sounded, the squeaky creak of the door opening drawing your attention.

The three of you went in, where you saw the girl awake and staring up at the ceiling, a melancholic look on her face.

"Are you okay?" Atsushi stammered. "Um.. this is our agency's infirmary.. how are you doing?"


"Girl, tell me whose bidding you're doing?" Kunikida demanded. "The mafia's forces are akin to a snake. Unless you smash the head, it will never stop. So tell me, who's the person above you?"

"Kunikida-kun!" You interrupted.

"The boiled tofu from Tachibana-dou," Kyoka began. "It is tasty."

"You want us to feed you some?" Kunikida deduced.

"Once I eat, I'll talk," she nodded.

"Oh, if that's all!" Atsushi grinned, turning to face Kunikida.

"We're not paying," the blonde glared, leading the way to the restaurant. Kyoka ate bowl after bowl of the dish, much like Atsushi did on that very first day. Of course, while Atsushi was starved half to death and scarfed everything down, Kyoka was simply hungry and ate in a much more dignified manner. Once she'd finished, she sat up straight and let out a deep breath.

"Kunikida-kun, you go back, I have some personal matters to discuss with the girl as well," you requested. "It links to the case, don't worry."

Kunikida hesitated but agreed nonetheless, leaving the three of you alone at the table.

"So...?" You started, beckoning her to start talking.

"The mafia picked me up after I was orphaned by my parents' death," Kyoka began. "They were after my ability. Demon Snow only obeys the voice on the other side of this phone."

"So the mafia used that to make you an assassin, huh?" You filled in.

"Why don't you throw it away then?" Atsushi asked.

"They will kill me if I defy them," Kyoka mumbled. "And, even if I leave the mafia, I have nowhere to go."

"So who's controlling that demon over the phone?" You pressed.

"A man named Akutagawa," she informed.

Atsushi's eyes widened in surprise, while your shoulders stiffened. 

The abused becomes the abuser.

There was no way you could let Atsushi go down a similar path. At least this time, the two of you would have to train him properly. Not just for results, but also for his own benefit.

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