17.3 - Dead Apple

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"What....?" Atsushi sputtered. "This... this is horrible!"

The Agency was completely trashed, piles of paper lying around, furniture upturned. Such scenes only happened when the Agency itself was attacked, which had last been when the Black Lizard showed up a few months ago.

"Let's hurry to the President's office," Kunikida glared, showing the way.

"Always Fukuzawa-Dono's protégé," you hummed, following him.

Thankfully, the office was somewhat unscathed, until Kunikida walked in and kicked the President's desk away. Under it, was some type of trapdoor, to which only Kunikida had the keycard access to.

"What the hell are you doing, Kunikida-San?" Atsushi deadpanned.

Once Kunikida swiped his card into the reader, a nearby blackboard opened up to show a screen. At first, the only thing you heard was static, but slowly a face started to develop.

"I think it's connected," Ango's voice crackled from the other end. "Keep this level stable for a while. Can you hear me, President Fukuzawa?"

"Sakaguchi-kun," you greeted. 

"You know him?" Kunikida asked.

"L/N-San, what's your current situation there?" Ango asked. "I heard another voice, so I presume you're in a group."

"That was Kunikida Doppo," you informed. "Nakajima Atsushi and Izumi Kyoka are also with us. The other agents have gone missing, and phone signals aren't working."

"I understand. The line is unstable, so I'll make this short," Ango began. "The fog phenomenon has occured here in Yokohama. There has never been this amount of fog recorded in the past. Although the spread has stopped, the whole city of Yokohama is covered in this fog and is isolated from the outside. It seems that citizens have suddenly vanished and only Ability Users remain. In other words, the crisis is upon you too."

"I can confirm," Kunikida nodded. "In the mist, Abilities seperate from their user and try to kill them."

"Fortunately, we have located the Ability User who seems to be causing all of this," Ango informed, pulling up a map. "He is in an abandoned high-rise building in the centre of Yokohama called 'Mukurotoride'."

"So it's Shibusawa Tatsuhiko after all?" You checked.

"I am making a request of the Agency," Ango sighed. "Please eliminate the mastermind Shibusawa Tatsuhiko, by any means necessary."

"And what do you know about Osamu?" You glared.

"Right," Ango mumbled. "Please be aware that Dazai-kun seems to be with the mastermind."

"Dazai-?" Kunikida gaped.

"Has he been captured?!" Atsushi panicked, turning to you.

Both Ango and you stayed silent, unsure how to respond.

"Yokohama will be destroyed..." Ango's voice crackled. "If you don't act soon-!"

The screen faded to black, leaving all of you in a dark room, still reeling from shock. Suddenly, the floor shook, as if an earthquake was approaching.

"He's here," Kunikida realised. "You three go ahead. I can stop him by myself."

"Don't be stupid," you scoffed.

"By yourself? Isn't that really risky?" Atsushi asked. "You can't win against your own ability!"

"It's not about whether or not I can win," Kunikida sighed. "It's about whether or not I'm willing to fight. Prevailing against myself... that's what I've always done."

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