23 - Echo

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You could never understand why Chuuya would punch you once you were dismissed from the infirmary after being admitted for a stupid injury. If you'd told seventeen year old you, that you would be doing the same five years later, you would have laughed.

Yet here you were, Dazai clutching his face as he stood in shock opposite you.

"Sorry," you breathed out, pinching the bridge of your nose. "But this entire thing could have been solved much faster if you'd just worn a bullet proof vest."

Dazai nodded mutely, walking past you. 

The silent treatment.

Few people pointed it out, but most knew that the two of you always acted younger than you were around each other. Part of it was because you knew each other that well, but really, it was mostly due to your severe utter lack of a childhood. The two of you, and Chuuya, were the only ones who managed to share a brief glimpse of what normalcy might have been like.

When Dazai ignored your worries, it hurt to say that you weren't surprised.

After all, it was common sense that a scared child would naturally run away from whatever triggered the response. It had happened multiple times over the years that you'd known each other, times where your arguments had gotten so heated that the only logical response at the time was to run away.

The Demon Prodigy was someone who ran away from conflict.

It sounded almost laughable.

"I brought the two, they're in the van," you mumbled, well aware that he could hear you. "Just... whatever you do, don't bring up your history with Ryuu. He's nervous enough as is."

He didn't nod, didn't bother to show you a sign of acknowledgement, let alone gratitude. You rolled your eyes and joined him in the van, where both Atsushi and Akutagawa were restrained by your ability.

"Alright, both of you. Behave," you sighed, snapping your fingers and releasing them.

Dazai sat down on the chair between the two, holding both of them apart from each other. 

"Let me go, Dazai-San!" Atsushi thrashed.

"No can do~" Dazai trilled, tightening his grip on Atsushi's head. "If I do, you two will start fighting with your skills, no?"

"B-but-!" Atsushi attempted, trying to release himself from Dazai's grasp.

"Could you not go running wild?" Dazai requested. "You'll open up my stomach wound."

"But why is Akutagawa involved in a plan that has our president's life at risk...?!" Atsushi demanded.

"Because it's my plan," Dazai hummed. "I'll have the two of you infiltrate enemy base."


"The enemy's base is inside a coal mine. It's a few hundred kilometers long, and most likely loaded with anti-intruder sensor traps," you explained. "Your primary target is the Virus Skill User. You must neutralize him, otherwise our leaders are dead. Your secondary target is Dostoyevsky. Questions?"

"If it's that important, then this teamup matters even more!" Atsushi insisted. "For starters, Akutagawa's animosity towards me isn't your typical hatred. C'mon, L/N-San, can't you see there's no way this will-"

"So he says," Dazai hummed, turning to Akutagawa. "What do you think?"

"I will carry out the task given," Akutagawa droned, his eyes glinting with sheer focus and ambition.

"It's been four years since you were last under my direct command, hm?" Dazai reminded, smirking as you restrained yourself from throwing yet another punch at him. Dazai Osamu, the man who ran away from conflict, but couldn't resist in starting it."Can you show me that you're at least a bit more capable now?"

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